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Saturday, November 27, 2010

Unity Is Our Strength To Prosper


There was an old farmer. He had four sons. They all were grown up. But they had no good relationship with one another. They were disobedient and always quarrelled among themselves. The old man was very unhappy with them. As he was becoming weak day by day he was very anxious about their future. At last he made a plan to teach his sons how to live in unity.
One day he called his sons together and said, “I have called you to give my last advice. I will not live ling. But I feel very unhappy to see you quarrel among yourselves.” He told his eldest son to bring some sticks. The son brought some sticks. The old man asked him to bind the sticks together. He bound them into a bundle. And they tried one by one. They tried their best. But none of them was successful.
The old man asked the sons to untie the bundle. When they did it, he asked them to break the sticks separately. They broke the sticks one by one very easily. The old man raised his head and said, “My son! Take a lesion from it. You could not break the bundle of sticks when they are bound together. But it was not hard for you to break them separately. If you remain unity like the sticks and do not quarrel, nobody will be able to do you any harm. On the other hand, if you quarrel among yourselves, you will lose strength and your enemies will easily do you harm? So live in peace.” The sons promised to follow their father’s advice.
In a word, unity means oneness, or togetherness. When there is oneness there is likely to be more strength in opinion, more strength in action, and more strength in character. This is a very simple and obvious fact that, if one person tries his hands on some job, he will manage much less than what a group effort will achieve. This, in all simplicity what unity is all about.
Let us peep into different spheres of our existence and we can adjudge the truth of this statement. Let us first discuss the smallest unit of our society the family. If all members of a family go on divergent roads, the very semblance of a family disappears. A family indicates oneness, they live together, they work together they enjoy together they share their woes together, and this is the basic strength of the unit, each member pumping in vigour and confidence in all others, all this on the simple vases of being one. When we lose this oneness, as of today we break the family, i.e. the very edifice of our construction.
From this smallest unit, we go to the bigger horizon of society. Where is our society today? It is broken into fragments, and each segment i.e. an individual family just looking after itself, as if we sternly believe in the adage, "everyone for himself, and God for all. "This has become the motto of the society at large. This has lead to the loosening of the ties of the society and this is the cause of the growth of so many social evils. When there is no strong bond in different segments of a society, it is bound to break into factions, and thus lose its strength, both moral and social.
From the society, let us move on to the position of the country. This is the saddest side of our appearance, a complete lack of unity in the country, thereby the creeping in of evils in the very fabric of the system. The country is, to day seen crumbling under its weight of separations, each society is desirous of a new younger cousin, so instead of getting together, we are continuously moving on the path of disintegration and thus weakening our system. Let us consider and understand that, unity is the password which heals all bruises big and small. It is this that helps us enjoy few happy moments of life. In the good moments of a marriage, in the sad moments of sickness and death, it is the unity of the well wishers that makes the pleasure great and despair less. This is the unique power of unity. A lone individual or community can achieve nothing and neither can they enjoy the fruits of any achievement. The secret power of unity is strength, which is built up by mutual trust and faith and love for each other, and the oneness of a single well formulated goal.
To achieve or even to destroy, we need unity. Thus in order to make any significant achievement, the most necessary ingredient is unity. Your targets may be good or bad, but success is assured if you have a united consolidated group to work up to the goal. Malaysia is a multi-racial country. We live in relative racial harmony. Unity among the various races is vital for the progress of the nation as the saying goes; “United we Stand, Divided we Fall”.

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Friday, November 26, 2010

Top 10 tips to excel in Sports

 Top 10 tips to excel in Sports

Too much to do and too little time is every teens problem. But when it comes to Fitness for sports there is no excuse. Use the 10 tips below to excel in sports and even get that coveted scholarship many teens dream!
1. Get Involved

Never miss an opportunity to get involved in sports. An active life makes you enjoy your teen years to the fullest. Get involved in sports requiring running, strength and quick reflexes. Not just chess and computer games. But sports which will help you improve your physical fitness.

Physically fit teens are much more appealing than only-geeks. Also girls notice you on the field and find athletes very attractive. Just one more reason to play some sport today.

2. Stretch to become flexible

Stretching is the most neglected part of sports training. Stretching helps you become flexible and prevents injuries. Also flexible players are much more agile and performs sport-skills easily.

You need to do both general whole body stretching and specific muscle group or sport specific stretching. Jogging and bodyweight exercises are excellent for a stretching workout.

3. Train with Weights for strength

Weight Training Exercises can be done using exercise equipments like dumbbells, barbells or gym machines and also using your own bodyweight.

If you are early teen then Bodyweight exercises called calisthenics like push ups, pull ups and squats are excellent.

If you are in late teens then I suggest you train with weights at home or in the gym. Make sure you perform these 5 excellent exercises - Bench press, shoulder press, deadlift, barbell rows and Squats. These exercises cover all major muscle groups strengthening them for an excellent whole body workout.

You can more about Muscle Building for Teens here.

4. Train for speed

Almost every sport requires you to have quick reflexes to move and change directions quickly. Speed training uses speed drills will help you build sharp reflexes. Simple speed drills like sprinting, running fast and turning around, stop & move drills, throwing tennis balls and relays are excellent for developing speed and reflexes.

5. Train for aerobic endurance

Now that we have covered 2 important parts of fitness, namely strength and speed, lets talk about aerobic conditioning. You may have great power, your reflexes may be lightening but without your heart supplying enough oxygen you will fail on the field. What skills can you show when you cannot even catch your

On days you are not training with weights, run or jog for 20-30 minutes continuously. This will improve your aerobic endurance considerably. You can also use treadmills, rope skipping or any aerobic exercise machine and the
results will be the same.

6.Get sport specific

Different sports require different skills. Skills required in football are different than those required in tennis. In my next article I will cover sport specific skills as well. Or check the exercise section at

7. Get quality Nutrition

Nutrition is often neglected and the common excuse is time. Remember without proper diet all your efforts in the gym and on the field will be a waste.

Tip One - Eat a good breakfast. Sleep a little early and get up a little early. This will make time for your breakfast.

Tip Two - Eat your veggies. Yes your mom is right. Just finish those veggies and get on the field. Case closed.

8. Get enough Sleep

I can already hear you saying, that when 24 hours are not enough how can you get enough sleep? The fact of the matter is that with planning your homework and play times properly you can squeeze in an extra hour sleep. Remember you want to perform well on the field and a little dedication will help you here. For example you can get to homework quickly after sports training rather than watching TV. TV is a weekend item. Let those who do not play sports watch and waste time. You are going to be fit and excel in your team as well.

Also you should cut back on phone and internet. Less sleep will affect your performance on field and might cost you your seat to someone who plays well just because he slept well and looks fresh.

9. Competitions are great motivators

A competition like those between colleges or schools are an excellent motivation to train hard and win. They will provide you the additional impetus to give your best preparing for the competition.

10. Attend all parties and get together

In addition to building your muscles and sport skills its important to develop your whole personality. Attend local competitions and get togethers. Those are great places to meet people and make friends. Also your gym might be the place where you will meet your training partner. These relationships will take you a long way in getting and staying motivated.

By Mateen Siddiqui

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Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Why physical education lessons are so important

Since childhood obesity rates are on the rise it is evident that many children are just not getting enough exercise. This is extremely problematic, as the majority of overweight children grow up to become overweight and obese adults, and develop serious weight-related health issues. It is therefore important that children are encouraged to eat a healthy diet and stay active so they can avoid developing a weight problem. Clearly, physical education lessons could play a significant role in getting children interested in exercise so that they actually want to carry on doing exercise when they get older.

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China Sports Culture And Spiritualy

It seems that before their many successes in the international sport arena,
the Chinese were known throughout Asia as being especially bad at them, and at feats of physical 
prowess in general.  This was a source of national pride which prompted the
Government to initiate one of the farthest reaching sports programs of almost any nation. 
They have programs at the county level which virtually recruit citizens just as a military branch would. 
 As their sports program matured over the years, the people of China took it as
a sign of a revitalized homeland, and a refutation to any who had thought upon the Chinese as weak.

It is one of the Chinese governments top priorities to compete at a global level in every arena they can.
It is a deep source of pride of the Chinese people to be competitive with the rest of the world. 
This attitude translated rather easily into the highly competitive sports program they have developed. 
Culturally, sports are nothing new. China has had over 5000 years of sports history.  They have a long 
history with gymnastics and other physical activities like it, such as acrobatics and dancing. 
In addition, their many and varied traditions of martial arts also seems to fit into this mold.

Sports are indeed an integral part of Chinese culture, with over 300 million citizens participating in 
some sports activity.  Physical fitness is something else that is very valued, and it is tied in with their
 love of sports.  They are very committed, with the government behind a mandatory program to 
promote physical well being.

"On New Year Day in 1995, the Chinese government put forward the Whole-People Health-Building Plan,
 with the aim of improving the people's physiques and health. This plan is named the One-Two-One Project, 
whereby everyone should take part in at least one sports activity every day, learn at least two 
health-building methods and take one physical examination once a year. The Physical Health Law of
the People's Republic of China was adopted by the Standing Committee of NPC on August 29, 1995.
 It was the first time for the state to enshrine the principle of promoting physical culture and building 
up the people's health in law."

It seems to be part of the life of a Chinese citizen to be behind their athletes, with athletic activities 
being a large part of national conversation and involvement.  From a young age, Chinese children 
are taught the principles of physical health and well-being, with sports being a large part of this training.
 With so many Chinese growing up with such experiences, it is no wonder why the national
attitude is so favorable towards them.  In the earlier part of the century, the condition of China's economy 
was virtually falling apart, and the citizens had very few sources of hope.  These victories for China in
 the sports arena provided a national character and context for their faith in themselves. These is the 
reason why China has emerge as King in Sports at Asia and International level. Just look at the total
 medal haul for China in the ongoing Asian Games.

Search terms:  china sports culture, china sports spirituality,
Chinese sports culture, Chinese sports history, Chinese sports
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Saturday, November 20, 2010

An Ideal Teacher

An ideal teacher is a true builder of the nation. He is fearless, sincere and earnest in the discharge of his duties towards the students and the nation as a whole. An ideal teacher is considered as an object of admiration and devotion for the students. These days, students do not like to study from harsh and unsympathetic teachers. An ideal teacher creates such a confidence in his students that they are always ready to sacrifice for the cause of their teacher.

It is found that these days many teachers always try to find fault with work or deeds of their students instead of looking and changing their own attitudes. There comes utter ruin of the society when teachers grow weak or corrupt. As such, teachers must play the role of lamps that shatter darkness, become the lighthouses that guide the wandering ships to their right destinations and prevent any accidents. An ideal teacher builds an everlasting impression on the minds of his students. Such students then always remember ideal teachers and get them enshrined in their hearts. The hardworking and hard task masters are always remembered and loved by the students later. The students think that whatever position they have been able to attain is all due to the able guidance or hard work of their teacher.

An ideal teacher tries to spend most of his time in the pursuit of studies. He is mostly after the latest information and researches on various subjects. He goes through the journals and magazines to keep himself well-informed and to give up-t-date knowledge to his students. He treats the library of his school or college as a temple of knowledge. He always tries to make the most difficult subject intelligible to his pupils. He has the art to understand the difficulties of students and would come down to their level with compassion and sympathy. He always tries to be regular and punctual to set an example before his students. Time is money for an ideal teacher who thinks that loss of a second means loss of hundreds of minutes to the nation.
An ideal teacher displays extreme simplicity in spite of his extra ordinary academic attainments. He dedicates his whole life to the cause of education. He never allows his students to be idle or indisciplined. The vastness of his knowledge deeply impresses every student but an ideal teacher is never proud of it. An ideal teacher is busy with his books and quest for some knowledge even after he gets retired. In fact, ideal teachers never get retired since, with age, their depth of information and knowledge goes on increasing. They always remain a source of knowledge and guidance.
For an ideal teacher, all students are alike. He is never partial to any student and is always fair. An ideal teacher does not favour any student on grounds of his social status. He treats each student equally. He always remains simple in his habits.
Ideal teachers are honoured not only at the state level but at the national level. Every year, teachers are selected for due recognition for their contribution to the cause of society by providing best education and guiding the students to build a better nation.

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The Banana Plant

                                                 The Banana Tree At my schoool garden
The banana plant is the largest herbaceous flowering plant.[7] Plants are normally tall and fairly sturdy and are often mistaken for trees, but their main or upright stem is actually a pseudostem that grows 6 to 7.6 metres (20 to 24.9 ft) tall, growing from a corm. Each pseudostem can produce a single bunch of bananas. After fruiting, the pseudostem dies, but offshoots may develop from the base of the plant.
Leaves are spirally arranged and may grow 2.7 metres (8.9 ft) long and 60 cm (2.0 ft) wide.[8] They are easily torn by the wind, resulting in the familiar frond look.[9]
Each pseudostem normally produces a single inflorescence, also known as the banana heart. (More are sometimes produced; an exceptional plant in the Philippines produced five.)[10] The inflorescence contains many bracts (sometimes incorrectly called petals) between rows of flowers. The female flowers (that can develop into fruit) appear in rows further up the stem from the rows of male flowers. The ovary is inferior, meaning that the tiny petals and other flower parts appear at the tip of the ovary.
Banana fruit develop from the banana heart, in a large hanging cluster, made up of tiers (called hands) with up to 20 fruit to a tier. The hanging cluster is known as a bunch, comprising 3–20 tiers, or commercially as a "banana stem", and can weigh from 30–50 kilograms (66–110 lb). In common usage, bunch applies to part of a tier containing 3-10 adjacent fruits.
Individual banana fruits (commonly known as a banana or 'finger'), average 125 grams (0.28 lb), of which approximately 75% is water and 25% dry matter. There is an protective outer layer (a peel or skin) with numerous long, thin strings (the phloem bundles), which run lengthwise between the skin and the edible inner portion. The inner part of the common yellow dessert variety splits easily lengthwise into three sections that correspond to the inner portions of the three carpels.
The fruit has been described as a "leathery berry".[11] In cultivated varieties, the seeds are diminished nearly to non-existence; their remnants are tiny black specks in the interior of the fruit. Bananas grow pointing up, not hanging down.

Health benefits

Along with other fruits and vegetables, consumption of bananas is associated with a reduced risk of colorectal cancer[21] and in women, breast cancer[22] and renal cell carcinoma.[23]
Individuals with a latex allergy may experience a reaction to bananas.[24]
Bananas contain considerable amounts of vitamin B6, vitamin C, and potassium. The latter makes them of particular interest to athletes who use them to quickly replenish their electrolytes.
In India, juice is extracted from the corm and used as a home remedy for jaundice, sometimes with the addition of honey, and for kidney stones.[25]


The banana plant has long been a source of fiber for high quality textiles. In Japan, banana cultivation for clothing and household use dates back to at least the 13th century. In the Japanese system, leaves and shoots are cut from the plant periodically to ensure softness. Harvested shoots are first boiled in lye to prepare fibers for yarn-making. These banana shoots produce fibers of varying degrees of softness, yielding yarns and textiles with differing qualities for specific uses. For example, the outermost fibers of the shoots are the coarsest, and are suitable for tablecloths, while the softest innermost fibres are desirable for kimono and

kamishimo. This traditional Japanese cloth-making process requires many steps, all performed by hand.[26]
In a Nepalese system the trunk is harvested instead, and small pieces are subjected to a softening process, mechanical fiber extraction, bleaching and drying. After that, the fibers are sent to the Kathmandu Valley for use in rugs with a silk-like texture. These banana fiber rugs are woven by traditional Nepalese hand-knotting methods, and are sold RugMark certified.
In South Indian state of Tamil Nadu after harvesting for fruit the trunk (outer layer of the shoot) is made into fine thread used in making of flower garlands instead of thread.


Banana fiber is used in the production of banana paper. Banana paper is used in two different senses: to refer to a paper made from the bark of the banana plant, mainly used for artistic purposes, or paper made from banana fiber, obtained with an industrialized process from the stem and the non-usable fruits. The paper itself can be either hand-made or in industrial processes.
                                                                   Banana Paper
 For further reading please click here

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Neem Tree

                                           My School With the Neem Tree at the background
The Neem tree (Veppilai) is variously known as "Sacred Tree," "Heal All," "Nature's Drugstore," "Village Pharmacy" and "Panacea for all diseases." Products made from neem tree have been used in India for over two millennia for their medicinal properties: Neem products have been observed to be anthelmintic, antifungal, antidiabetic, antibacterial, antiviral, contraceptive and sedative.[1] Neem products are also used in selectively controlling pests in plants. It is considered a major component in Ayurvedic and Unani medicine and is particularly prescribed for skin disease.[2]
  • All parts of the tree are said to have medicinal properties (seeds, leaves, flowers and bark) and are used for preparing many different medical preparations.
  • Part of the Neem tree can be used as a spermicide[3]
  • Neem oil is used for preparing cosmetics (soap, shampoo, balms and creams, for example Margo soap), and is useful for skin care such as acne treatment, and keeping skin elasticity. Neem oil has been found to be an effective mosquito repellent.
  • Neem derivatives neutralise nearly 500 pests worldwide, including insects, mites, ticks, and nematodes, by affecting their behaviour and physiology. Neem does not normally kill pests right away, rather it repels them and affects their growth. As neem products are cheap and non-toxic to higher animals and most beneficial insects, they are well-suited for pest control in rural areas.
  • Besides its use in traditional Indian medicine, the neem tree is of great importance for its anti-desertification properties and possibly as a good carbon dioxide sink.
  • Practitioners of traditional Indian medicine recommend that patients suffering from chicken pox sleep on neem leaves.
  • Neem gum is used as a bulking agent and for the preparation of special purpose food (for diabetics).
  • Aqueous extracts of neem leaves have demonstrated significant antidiabetic potential.
  • Traditionally, slender neem branches were chewed in order to clean one's teeth. Neem twigs are still collected and sold in markets for this use, and in India one often sees youngsters in the streets chewing on neem twigs.
  • A decoction prepared from neem roots is ingested to relieve fever in traditional Indian medicine.
  • Neem leaf paste is applied to the skin to treat acne, and in a similar vein is used for measles and chicken pox sufferers.
  • For further reading please click here

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Friday, November 19, 2010

School Landscape

School landscaping has traditionally produced fairly straightforward plans of open lawns with play yards or athletic fields scattered about. A few sturdy evergreen shrubs to hug the building and deciduous trees for shade might provide interest. Today's plans for schools treat the schoolyard as an extension of learning spaces in the school. My school is considered one of few school which associate with garden landscape.

  • Create an engaging exterior space to frame your school with a few key landscaping tips. Just as you display your students' accomplishments in the corridors inside the building, exhibit your school spirit on the outside for the community to see. Elements of your school landscape complement the architectural structure and make the favorable first impression on visitors to the building. Plan your design with school safety your first priority. Choose shrubs and perennials suited to your local climate.

  • Shrubs

  • Hardy and low maintenance, shrubs and flowering bushes make a suitable foundation planting for your school's landscape design. Highlight your entrance with shrubs rather than planting a long border of them. The maintenance staff is more likely to water and prune a smaller, high-impact shrub area, thus avoiding unsightly overgrowth and the necessity of removing neglected bushes that have died. Plant ivy or low shrubs in areas that are troublesome to mow.

  • Shade

  • tree image by M3Dia Solution from
    Provide shade for a comfortable learning and play space.
    Plant a few trees in the open, grassy area of the playground to offer a sheltered place during hot months for imaginative play and even outdoor lessons. Form a leafy retreat in the urbanized world to enrich students experience of nature by planting trees throughout the grounds. Select trees suitable to your area's soil type and sun exposure to provide shaded parking. Avoid hickory trees for the schoolyard because the large woody nuts they produce can cause injury and property damage.

  • Flowers

  • red and yellow tulips image by Jorge Moro from
    Flowers add color to your school.
    Add a welcoming splash of color to your school grounds with flowers. Incorporate your school colors in the selection of flowers to show support for your team. Select yellow daisies if gold is one of your team colors, or fragrant hyacinth for purple or blue. Tulips and chrysanthemums are durable and come in a variety of bold colors to suit almost any school sports affiliation. Plant flowers in lightweight recycled plastic containers for versatility and highlight your entrances with their placement. Container gardening limits the workload of weeding your flower garden for the maintenance staff.

  • Read more: Landscaping Ideas for School Lawns |

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    Monday, November 15, 2010

    How To Gain The Respect Of Your Co-Workers

    Whether you work for a small company or a large one, whether you are in management or an entry-level position, gaining the respect of your coworkers is a smart career move. In today's competitive job market, looking ahead and planning a career path is essential. Following that path requires respect from your coworkers.
    These tips will help you gain more respect at work:
    1. Take responsibility for your actions. No matter what happens, take responsibility for your actions – both good and bad. It's okay to point out when you do something good. However, don't spend all your time bragging about yourself. It's just as important to acknowledge when you might have acted wrongly.(
    * If you feel that your actions resulted in negative consequences for someone, always make amend and ask if you can help repair the situation.

    2. Avoid taking things out on coworkers. One of the traits of well-respected people is the ability to control their emotions and attitudes. As you go through your workday, there will be situations that annoy and frustrate you. Make sure you don't vent your frustrations on people who don't deserve it.
    * Treating people fairly reflects well on you. If you have a problem with a coworker, address the problem in a private area or office. Avoid humiliating a coworker in front of others.

    3. Remain calm. The truth is you'll get bad news from time to time at work. When you receive bad news, first think about the way you should respond so you can react appropriately.
    * Shouting and losing your cool are the worst things you can do. Instead, remain calm and gather all the information you need to handle the situation in a composed manner.
    * Take a moment to cool down by going for a walk, getting some coffee, or even just sitting in your car for a few minutes. Once the news has sunk in, then take the steps needed to get the matter resolved.
    * Remaining calm on the job is essential to gaining the respect of your coworkers.
    For further reading please click here

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    Wednesday, November 10, 2010

    I Am Looking For A Teacher...

    I am looking for a teacher
    Who is beautiful inside
    Honest with the students
    Giving them a sense of pride

    I am looking for teacher
    With a healthy self esteem
    Who clearly states the rules
    And doesn’t have to scream

    I am looking for a teacher
    Who creatively prepares
    But whose first priority
    Is to convey that she cares

    I am looking for a teacher
    Who is interested, not aloof
    Who treat her students with respect
    Even when they goof
    I am looking for a teacher
    Who knows how to laugh and smile
    Who enjoys what she is doing
    And goes their best return

    I am looking for a teacher
    Who will fill a child with desire
    To love to learn more every day
    With curiosity that wont tire

    I am looking for a teacher
    Who communicates with parents well
    Gently and carefully selecting words
    Where there’s problem to tell

    I am looking for a teacher
    Who encourages children to have a dream
    To work at solving problem
    Building their self esteem

    There are some teachers out there
    The kind I am looking for
    For their students success
    They have opened the door.

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    Tuesday, November 9, 2010

    Age Group Of Generation Z

    There are several traits that are common when it comes to specific generations. The generation Z is the latest generation who were born after 1994 and before 2004. Many of them are in their early teens and differ from the earlier generation in many ways. This particular generation is still in a stage of evolution and they are yet to learn several things in life.More...

    Generation Z Behaviour Change
    Generation Z Behaviour Change
    Generation Z is the latest generation which will be leading the world in a couple of decades from now. Is the generation responsible enough is a big question and are they being prepared in the right way for days to come? The current recession and financial strife has no bearing in shaping the future of the generation Z and they do not feel it either.
    Beyond 2020, there could be drastic changes in work culture, ethics and even values that will be set forth by the generation Z. The generation Z is not good listeners and they severely lack interpersonal skills. They use the World Wide Web mostly for communication and keeping touch. So when it comes to work, in future they may barely be seen in an office communicating with their colleagues but might live their life in the virtual world. More...

    Generation Z Characteristics

    The characteristics and qualities of the generation Z has to be completely set apart from the others and they are the newest generation in their own category. Generation Z are people who were born after the 1990 and by then technology was ruling the world. The generation Z is also called the silent generation, iGeneration, generation quiet and net generation. They have several other names based on their qualities.More...
    Today, the generation Z makes up for nearly 18 percent of the world’s population.  Here are some classic qualities that the generation Z exhibits.
    For generation Z, computer technologies and the Internet is the common place. All their communication takes place on the internet and they show very little verbal communication skills. Most of their formative years are being spent on the World Wide Web. They are used to instant action and satisfaction due to internet technology.

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    நீங்களும் இவர்களைப் போல்..

    எண்ணங்களில் வாழப்பார்க்கிறோம்.
    வார்த்தைகளில் தான் வாழ்கிறோம்.
    செயலில் அல்ல ?
    வாழ்க்கையின் எந்தத் துறையிலும்
    ஆன்மீகத்திலாகட்டும், பாலுறவிலாகட்டும்
    வார்த்தைகளே நம்மைத் தூண்டுகின்றன.

    எண்ணங்களில் கவனமாக இருங்கள் -
    அது வார்த்தைகளாக வெளிப்படுபவை.
    வார்த்தைகளில் கவனமாக இருங்கள் -
    அது செயலாக வெளிப்படுபவை.
    செயல்களில் கவனமாக இருங்கள் -
    அது பழக்கமாக மாறுபவை.
    பழக்கங்களில் கவனமாக இருங்கள் -
    அது உங்கள் ஒழுக்கமாகின்றன.
    ஒழுக்கத்தில் கவனமாக இருங்கள் -
    அது உங்கள் வாழ்க்கையை மேம்படுத்தும்.

    சொல்லுக்கும்,செயலுக்கும் -
    நெருங்கிய சம்பந்தம் இருக்க வேண்டும்.

    பிறரது உதாசீனம் பிறரது அவமானச்சொல் -
    சில சமயம் நம் தன்னம்பிக்கையைக் குலைத்துவிடக் கூடும்.

    அன்பான பதில் -கோபத்தை விரட்டி அடிக்கிறது.
    துக்ககரமான சொற்கள் - கோபத்தை உண்டாக்குகின்றன.

    சொற்கள் - பழைய அர்த்தங்களை இழந்து விடுவதே
    சமூதாயப் புரட்சியின் முதல் அறிகுறி.
    (கிரேக்க வரலாற்று அறிஞர் துஸிடீடிஸ் 470 ? 400 கி.மு)

    பயனில்லாத சொற்களைப் பாராட்டுகிறவனை
    "மக்கட்பதடி" என்கிறார் வள்ளுவர்.

    மிகக் கடினமான பெரிய வார்த்தைகளைக் கொண்டு அழகான பிரசங்கம் செய்து வருபவன் உண்மையில் உங்களுக்கு எதையும் சொல்லிக் கொடுக்க விரும்புவதில்லை. அவன் தன் மேதாவித்தனத்தை நிரூபிக்கும் பணியில் ஈடுபட்டிருக்கிறான்.

    கால் இடறி கீழே விழும் போது ஏற்படும் காயம் ஆறிவிடும். ஆனால் யோசிக்காமல் தவறுதலாக சொன்ன வார்த்தைகள் ஏற்படுத்தும் காயம் ஆறவே ஆறாது.

    மரணமும், வார்த்தைகளும், வரிகளும்,
    தவீர்க்க முடியாதவை.

    பொய்யான சொற்கள் தன்னுள்ளே கெடுதலை வைத்துக் கொண்டிருப்பதோடல்லாமல் அவைகள் ஆத்மாவையும் அதனோடு நோய்வாய்ப்படச் செய்கிறது.
    சொற்களுக்குப் பொருள் இருப்பது மட்டுமல்ல.
    அந்தப் பொருளுக்கேற்ற வலிமையும் அதற்குள் இருக்கிறது.
    (மகாத்மா காந்தி)

    வார்த்தைகளில் மென்மையும்,
    வாதத்தில் அழுத்தமும் தேவை.

    பாடலிலும், பேச்சிலும் சொற்கள் இருக்கின்றன.
    சொற்கள் எதைக் குறிக்கின்றனவோ அந்த வலிமை அந்தச் சொற்களுக்கு உண்டு. வலிமை என்ற சொல் திரும்பத்திரும்ப சொல்லப்படும் போது வலிமை தருகிறது. சோர்வு என்ற சொல் சோர்வு தருகின்றது. இதில் சோர்வடையச் செய்யும் சொற்கள் மனித சக்தியை வடித்துவிடுபவை.

    மெழுகுவர்த்தி சிந்தனைகள் -தீப்பந்த வார்த்தைகள்.

    மனிதனுடைய இதயக் குமறலே,
    அவனுடைய வார்த்தைகளாக வெளிப்படுகின்றன.

    சொன்ன ஒரு சொல்,
    விடுபட்ட அம்பு,
    கடந்து போன வாழ்க்கை,
    நழுவ விட்டுவிட்ட சந்தர்ப்பம் -
    ஆகிய நான்கும் மீண்டும் திரும்ப வராது.
    (அராபிய நாட்டுப் பழமொழி)

    கண்ணில் பட்டுக்கொண்டே இருக்கும் காட்சிகளும்,
    காதில் விழுந்து கொண்டே இருக்கும் சொற்களும்,
    ஓசைகளும் நம்மையறியாமலேயே
    நம்முடைய மூளையில் பதிந்து விடுகின்றன.
    பதிந்து நமக்குத் தெரியாமலேயே
    நம் விருப்பு வெறுப்புகளை நிர்ணயித்து விடுகின்றன.
    ( மனோதத்துவம்)

    பிறருடைய வார்த்ததைகள் -
    உங்களது உற்சாகத்தை,
    உங்களுடைய முயற்சியை
    ஒருநாளும் குறைத்து விட முடியாது.
    நீங்கள் அனுமதித்தாலொழிய.

    சொற்களை எண்ணிக்கை போடக்கூடாது.
    எடைதான் போட வேண்டும்.

    சொற்கள் -
    தேனீக்களைப் போன்றது.
    அவைகளில் தேனும் உண்டு.
    கொடுக்கும் உண்டு.

    மென்மையான ஒரு சொல் இதயவாசலைத் திறக்கிறது.

    உணர்வதை நாம் செய்வோம்.

    சொல்வதை நாம் உணர்வோம்.

    காலம் போகும்.
    வார்த்தை நிற்கும்.

    அறிவுள்ள மனிதனுக்கு ஒரு சொல் போதும்

    திரு. வீரமுத்து சின்னதம்பி B.Ed(Hons), M.Ed(USM)
    குரோ தமிழ்ப்பள்ளி


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    Monday, November 1, 2010

    Fostering Independent Thinking

    One of the primary goals of an educator should be to help students develop the desire and ability to think on their own. Independent thinking is the desire of a person to convince oneself that the information being presented is true or reasonable. This differs from critical thinking, which is the process used to collect and process information to arrive at a logical conclusion. In other words, independent thinking has more to do with the desire to think for oneself and critical thinking is the process used to deal with information.
    Dependant thinkers uncritically accept whatever they are taught and rarely question information or asking themselves if the information really make sense. Independent thinkers feel the need to make sense of the world based on personal observations and experiences rather than just going along with the thoughts of others.
    Independent thinking is always important, even in team exercises. Independent thinkers strengthen a team because they understand that different backgrounds and perspectives bring different ideas and solutions. They are willing to share ideas that differ from those of the rest of the team and sometimes require explanations that force the team to force the team to give careful consideration to information. Independent thinkers must be careful not to question everything or they can impede progress. However, when something seems wrong, or they don’t understand something, or they see a better way of doing something, they must have the confidence to voice their opinion.
    It is not always easy task to influence students' thinking, but there are techniques an instructor can used to encourage independent thinking. During group discussions, the instructor can ask higher order questions instead of just direct recall or knowledge questions. This encourages the students to think on their own about concepts. Students can also be lead to be inquisitive of set theories and ask why things happen the way they do. On an individual basis, students can be asked to explain results, and defend conclusions. The instructor can also make sure that all students contribute to team brainstorming and problem solving sessions.
    Teaching using these methods will likely cause some discomfort when students are truly challenged to apply their thinking ability. However, it is the discomfort that comes with being an active learner. Hunt (1971) explained that, "If the environment is perfectly matched to the developmental level of the learners, the learners are likely to be arrested at that level." Students must think on their own in order to reach the next level of learning. When students are active learners they are participating mentally and/or physically with their environment. Clough's (1999) research suggests that, "Even when students sit passively in a lecture, for learning to occur they must be mentally active-selectively taking in and attending to information, and connecting and comparing it to prior knowledge and additional incoming information in an attempt to make sense of what is being received." An instructor will know that he or she has been successful in fostering independent thinking when his or her class starts asking lots of questions.
    For Further Reading Please Click Here

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