Bahan Mudah Lulus Untuk UPSR

Close Learning in the Cloud! Cloud Computing for Teachers & Schools

UPSR தமிழ் மொழி


சங்ககால வரலாறும் தமிழ் பிராமிக் கல்வெட்டுகளும்

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

உலகம் வியந்து பார்க்கும் தமிழன் ஒருவன் படைத்த சாதனை

அதே பல்கலைக்கழகத்தில் ஆராய்ச்சி செய்து டாக்டர் பட்டமும் பெற்றார் ஸ்ரீதர்.
மிகப் பெரிய புத்திசாலியாக இருந்த இவரை நாசா அமைப்பு உடனடியாக வேலைக்கு எடுத்துக் கொண்டது. அரிசோனா பல்கலைக் கழகத்தில் உள்ள ஸ்பேஸ் டெக்னாலஜீஸ் லேபரட்டரியின் இயக்குநராக அவரை நியமித்தது. செவ்வாய்க் கிரகத்தில் மனிதன் வாழ முடியுமா? அதற்குத் தேவையான சாத்தியக்கூறுகளைக் கண்டுபிடிப்பது எப்படி? என்பது பற்றி ஆராய்ச்சி செய்வதே ஸ்ரீதரின் வேலை. முக்கியமாக செவ்வாய்க் கிரகத்தில் மனிதன் சுவாசிக்கத் தேவையான ஆக்ஸிஜனை தயார் செய்ய முடியுமா என்கிற ஆராய்ச்சியை மேற்கொண்டார். இந்த ஆராய்ச்சியில் மிகப் பெரிய வெற்றியும் பெற்றார். ஆனால் அமெரிக்க அரசாங்கமோ திடீரென அந்த ஆராய்ச்சியை ஓரங்கட்டிவிட்டது. என்றாலும் தான் கஷ்டப்பட்டு கண்டுபிடித்த விஷயத்தை ஸ்ரீதர் அப்படியே விட்டுவிடவில்லை.
அந்த ஆராய்ச்சியை அப்படியே ரிவர்ஸில் செய்து பார்த்தார் ஸ்ரீதர். அதாவது, ஏதோ ஒன்றிலிருந்து ஆக்ஸிஜனை உருவாக்கி வெளியே எடுப்பதற்குப் பதிலாக அதை ஒரு இயந்திரத்துக்குள் அனுப்பி, அதனோடு இயற்கையாகக் கிடைக்கும் எரிசக்தியை சேர்த்தால் என்ன நடக்கிறது என்று ஆராய்ந்து பார்த்தார்.
அட, என்ன ஆச்சரியம்! மின்சாரம் தயாராகி வெளியே வந்தது. இனி அவரவர்கள் அவரவருக்குத் தேவையான மின்சாரத்தை இந்த இயந்திரம் மூலம் தயார் செய்து கொள்ளலாம் என்கிற நிலையை ஸ்ரீதர் உருவாக்கி இருக்கிறார். தான் கண்டுபிடித்த இந்தத் தொழில் நுட்பத்தை அமெரிக்காவில் செய்து காட்டிய போது அத்தனை விஞ்ஞானிகளும் அதிசயித்துப் போனார்கள்.
ஆனால் இந்த புதிய தொழில்நுட்பத்தை பயன்படுத்தி, வர்த்தக ரீதியில் மின்சாரம் தயாரிக்க வேண்டுமெனில் அதற்கான இயந்திரங்களை உருவாக்க வேண்டும். இதற்கு பெரிய அளவில் பணம் வேண்டும். இப்படிப்பட்ட தொழில்நுட்பத்தைப் உருவாக்கும் பிஸினஸ் பிளான்களுக்கு வென்ச்சர் கேப்பிட்டல் நிறுவனங்கள்தான் பணத்தை முதலீடு செய்யும். ஸ்ரீதருக்கும் அப்படி ஒருவர் கிடைத்தார். அவர் பெயர், ஜான் டூயர். சிலிக்கன் பள்ளத்தாக்கில் பிரபலமாக இருக்கும் மிகப் பெரிய வென்ச்சர் கேப்பிட்டல் நிறுவனமான கிளீனர் பெர்க்கின்ஸை சேர்ந்தவர் இந்த ஜான் டூயர்.
அமெரிக்காவில் மிகப் பெரும் வெற்றி கண்ட நெட்ஸ்கேப், அமேசான், கூகுள் போன்ற நிறுவனங்கள் இன்று பிரம்மாண்டமாக வளர்ந்து நிற்கக் காரணம், ஜான் டூயர் ஆரம்பத்தில் போட்ட முதலீடுதான். கூகுள் நிறுவனத்தை ஆரம்பிக்க ஜான் டூயர் தொடக்கத்தில் போட்ட முதலீடு வெறும் 25 மில்லியன் டாலர்தான். ஆனால், ஸ்ரீதரின் தொழில்நுட்பத்தை வர்த்தக ரீதியில் செயல்படுத்த ஜான் டூயர் போட்ட முதலீடு 100 மில்லியன் டாலர். இது மிகப் பெரும் தொகை. என்றாலும் துணிந்து முதலீடு செய்தார் ஜான்.
காரணம், ஸ்ரீதர் கண்டுபிடித்த தொழில்நுட்பம் சுற்றுச்சூழலுக்கு உகந்தது. பொதுவாக மின் உற்பத்தி செய்யும்போது சுற்றுச்சூழல் பிரச்னைகள் நிறையவே எழும். அது நீர் மின் உற்பத்தியாக இருந்தாலும் சரி, அனல் மின் உற்பத்தியாக இருந்தாலும் சரி. எனவே சுற்றுச்சூழலுக்கு எந்த வகையிலும் பங்கம் வராத மின் உற்பத்தித் தொழில்நுட்பத்துக்கு மிகப் பெரிய வரவேற்பு இருக்கும் என்று நினைத்தார் அவர்.
தவிர, ஸ்ரீதரின் தொழில்நுட்பத்தைக் கொண்டு குறைவான செலவில் மின்சாரம் தயார் செய்ய முடியும். இந்த பாக்ஸிலிருந்து உருவாகும் மின்சாரம் குறைந்த தூரத்திலேயே பயன்படுவதால் மின் இழப்பு என்கிற பேச்சுக்கே இடமில்லை. இது மாதிரி பல நல்ல விஷயங்கள் ஸ்ரீதரின் கண்டுபிடிப்பில் இருப்பதை உணர்ந்ததால் அவர் அவ்வளவு
பெரிய தொகையை முதலீடு செய்தார்.
நல்லவேளையாக, ஜான் டூயரின் எதிர்பார்ப்பு பொய்க்கவில்லை. கிட்டத்தட்ட எட்டு ஆண்டுகள் கஷ்டப்பட்டு பலரும் உழைத்ததன் விளைவு இன்று ‘ப்ளூம் பாக்ஸ்’ என்கிற மின்சாரம் தயாரிக்கும் பாக்ஸ் தயார் செய்துள்ளார்.
சுமார் 10 முதல் 12 அடி உயரமுள்ள இரும்புப் பெட்டிதான் ஸ்ரீதர் உருவாக்கியுள்ள இயந்திரம். இதற்கு உள்ளே ஆக்ஸிஜனையும் இயற்கை எரிவாயுவையும் செலுத்தினால் அடுத்த நிமிடம் உங்களுக்குத் தேவையான மின்சாரம் தயார். இயற்கை எரிவாயுவுக்குப் பதிலாக மாட்டுச்சாண வாயுவையும் செலுத்தலாம்.
அல்லது சூரிய ஒளியைக் கூட பயன்படுத்தலாமாம். இந்த பாக்ஸ்களை கட்டடத்துக்குள்ளும் வைத்துக் கொள்ளலாம். வெட்ட வெளியிலும் வைத்துக் கொள்ளலாம் என்பது சிறப்பான விஷயம்.
உலகம் முழுக்க 2.5 பில்லியன் மக்கள் மின் இணைப்புப் பெறாமல் இருக்கிறார்கள்ஆப்பிரிக்காவில் ஏதோ ஒரு காட்டில் இருக்கும் கிராம மக்களுக்கு மின்சாரம் கொடுத்தால், அதனால் அரசாங்கத்துக்கு எந்த லாபமும் இல்லை என்பதால் அவர்கள் மின் இணைப்புக் கொடுப்பதில்லை. கிராமத்தை விட்டு வந்தால் மட்டுமே பொருளாதார ரீதியில் முன்னேற முடியும் என்கிற நிலை அந்த கிராம மக்களுக்கு. ஆனால் இந்த ‘ப்ளூம் பாக்ஸ்’ மட்டும் இருந்தால் உலகத்தின் எந்த மூலையிலும் மின்சாரம் தயார் செய்யலாம்” என்கிறார் ஸ்ரீதர்.
ஒரு ‘ப்ளூம் பாக்ஸ்’ உங்களிடம் இருந்தால் இரண்டு வீடுகளுக்குத் தேவையான மின்சாரம் கிடைத்துவிடும். இதே பாக்ஸ் இந்தியாவில் இருந்தால் நான்கு முதல் ஆறு வீடுகளுக்குத் தேவையான மின்சாரம் கிடைத்துவிடும். அமெரிக்க வீடுகளில் அதிக மின்சாரம் பயன்படுத்தப்படுவதே அங்கு வீடுகளின் எண்ணிக்கை குறையக் காரணம்.
இன்றைய தேதியில் அமெரிக்காவின் 20 பெரிய நிறுவனங்கள் ஸ்ரீதரின் தொழில்நுட்பத்தை பயன்படுத்தி மின்சாரம் தயார் செய்கின்றன. கூகுள் நிறுவனம்தான் முதன் முதலாக இந்தத் தொழில்நுட்பத்தை வாங்குவதற்கான கான்ட்ராக்ட்டில் கையெழுத்திட்டது. ‘ப்ளூ பாக்ஸ்’ மூலம் கூகுள் உற்பத்தி செய்யும் 400 கிலோ வாட் மின்சாரமும் அதன் ஒரு பிரிவுக்கே சரியாகப் போகிறது. வால் மார்ட் நிறுவனமும் 400 கிலோ வாட் மின்சாரம் தயாரிக்கும் பாக்ஸை வாங்கி இருக்கிறது. இப்போது Fedex, E bay, கோக்கா கோலா, அடோப் சிஸ்டம், சான் பிரான்சிஸ்கோ ஏர்போர்ட் போன்ற பல நிறுவனங்களும் இந்த புதிய தொழில்நுட்பத்தைப் பயன்படுத்தி மின்சாரம் தயார் செய்கின்றன.
100 கிலோ வாட் மின்சாரம் தயார் செய்யும் ஒரு பாக்ஸின் விலை 7 முதல் 8 லட்சம் டாலர்! அட, அவ்வளவு பணம் கொடுத்து வாங்க வேண்டுமா? என நீங்கள் நினைக்கலாம். ஆனால் இந்தத் தொழில்நுட்பத்தைப் பயன்படுத்தும் E bay நிறுவனம் கடந்த ஆண்டு ஸ்ரீதரிடமிருந்து ஐந்து பாக்ஸ்களை வாங்கியது. தனக்குத் தேவையான 500 கிலோ வாட் மின்சாரத்தை இந்த பாக்ஸின் மூலமே தயார் செய்துவிடுகிறது. இந்த பாக்ஸ்களை வாங்கிய ஒன்பதே மாதத்துக்குள் 1 லட்சம் டாலர் வரை மின் கட்டணத்தை சேமித்திருக்கிறதாம் E bay. இன்னும் ஐந்து முதல் பத்து ஆண்டுகளில் அமெரிக்காவின் பல வீடுகளில் இந்த ‘ப்ளூம் பாக்ஸ்’ இருக்கும்.
சாதாரண மனிதர்களும் இந்த பாக்ஸை வாங்கி பயன்படுத்துகிற அளவுக்கு அதன் விலை 3,000 டாலருக்குள் இருக்கும்” என்கிறார் ஸ்ரீதர். அந்த அளவுக்கு விலை குறையுமா என்று கேட்டால், ஒரு காலத்தில் லட்சத்தில் விற்ற கம்ப்யூட்டர் இன்று ஆயிரங்களுக்குள் கிடைக்கிறதே என்கிறார்கள் ஸ்ரீதரின் ஆதரவாளர்கள்.
ஸ்ரீதரின் இந்த தொழில்நுட்பம் எதிர்காலத்தில் நிஜமாகும் பட்சத்தில் உலகம் முழுக்க மக்கள் அந்தத் தமிழரின் பெயரை உச்சரிப்பார்கள் என்பதில் சந்தேகமில்லை.
Posted By Vimal On März 20th, 2012 04:33 PM | உலகம்பொது அறிவு  

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Thursday, March 1, 2012

தமிழ் மக்கள்

1.2 தமிழ் மக்கள்

தமிழர் மிகவும் தொன்மை வாய்ந்த ஓர் இனத்தைச் சார்ந்தவர்கள்.
பாரம்பரியப் பெருமை உடையவர்கள். உலக நாகரிகங்களில் இடம்
பெறத்தக்க உயர்ந்த நாகரிகத்தை உடையவர்கள். தமிழர் பண்பாடு,
உலகம் போற்றும் ஒரு சிறந்த பண்பாடு. இத்தகைய சிறப்புடைய
தமிழ் மக்களின் இன்றைய தாழ்ந்த நிலையைச் சுட்டிக் காட்டி,
அவர்கள் பெறவேண்டிய புத்துணர்ச்சியையும் வலியுறுத்திப்
பாரதிதாசன் பல பாடல்கள் இயற்றியுள்ளார்.

1.2.1 தமிழரின் தொன்மைச் சிறப்பு
இந்த நில உலகு தோன்றிய காலத்திலேயே தமிழ் இனம்
தோன்றிவிட்டது. மனித வாழ்வை உருவாக்கியதே தமிழ்மொழி
என்று தமிழினத் தொன்மைச் சிறப்பை எடுத்துரைக்கிறார்.

    புனல்சூழ்ந்து வடிந்து போன
    நிலத்திலே புதிய நாளை
    மனிதப் பைங்கூழ் முளைத்தே
    வகுத்தது மனித வாழ்வை
    இனிய நற்றமிழே நீதான் எழுப்பினை
(அழகின்சிரிப்பு : தமிழ் - முதல்பாடல் வரிகள்: 1 - 6)

(கூழ் = பயிர்)
மேலும் தமிழ்மொழியின் தொன்மையினையும், தமிழர்கள் தொன்மை
நாகரிகம் கொண்டவர்கள் என்பதனையும்,

    மொழியில் உயர்ந்தது தமிழ்மொழியே - பண்டு
    முதல் நாகரிகமும் பழந்தமிழ் மக்களே
(தேனருவி, தமிழன், வரிகள்: 11 - 13)

என்று சுட்டுகிறார்.

1.2.2 தமிழரின் பெருமை
தமக்கென ஒரு தனிப் பண்பாட்டையும், நாகரிகத்தையும்
உடையவர்கள் தமிழர்கள். பெருமைக்கு உரிய தமிழர் பண்பாடு
இன்று வரையிலும் போற்றிப் பாதுகாக்கப்படுகிறது. அந்தப்
பண்பாட்டுக் கூறுகளில் விருந்தோம்பல் முதன்மையானது.

• விருந்தோம்பல்
தொன்மைச் சிறப்பு வாய்ந்த தமிழ் இனமக்கள் நல்ல பண்புகள்
பொருந்தியவர்கள். அவர்களின் பண்புகளில் சிறந்தது
விருந்தோம்பல். சங்ககாலம் முதற்கொண்டே விருந்தினரைப்
போற்றி வாழ்கிறார்கள்.     விருந்தினர்களைப் போற்றி
வாழ்வதினாலேயே உலகம் முழுவதும், புகழுடன் வாழ்கிறார்கள்
தமிழர்கள் என்கிறார் பாரதிதாசன்.

    நற்றமிழர் சேர்த்த புகழ்
    ஞாலத்தில் என்னவெனில்
    உற்ற விருந்தை
    உயிரென்று - பெற்று உவத்தல்.
(குடும்பவிளக்கு, இரண்டாம் பகுதி -
விருந்தோம்பல் - மாமன் மாமி மகிழ்ச்சி பாடல்)

தம்மை வந்து அடைந்த விருந்தினர்களுக்குத் தமிழர்கள்,
விருந்தோம்பலைத் தம் உயிருக்கும் மேலாகக் கருதினர். எனவே
விருந்தினரைப் பேணும் பொழுது பெரு மகிழ்ச்சி அடைந்தார்கள்
எனக் குறிப்பிடுகிறார் பாரதிதாசன்.

• தமிழரும் தமிழ்க் கலையும்
சீரும் சிறப்புமாக வாழ்ந்த பண்டைத் தமிழர் நிலையையும்
இன்றைய நிலையையும் ஒப்பிட்டுப் பார்க்கிறார் பாரதிதாசன்.
புலிக் கொடியும், வில் கொடியும், மீன் கொடியும் கொண்டு ஆட்சி
செய்த மூவேந்தர் காலத்தில், உலகெங்கும் புகழ் பரப்பும் வகையில்,
செந்தமிழின் ஒலியே கேட்டது. தமிழ் நாட்டுக் கலைகளே
ஒளியாய்க் கண்முன் காட்சியளித்தன. ஆனால் இன்று, பிறமொழி
ஒலிகளும், பிறநாட்டுக் கலைகளுமே மலிந்து உள்ளன. இந்த
நிலைமாறி மீண்டும் பழைய நிலை என்று வருமோ என்று
ஏங்குகிறார் பாரதிதாசன். எனவே


    ஒலி என்பதெல்லாம் செந்தமிழ் முழக்கம்
    ஒளி என்பதெல்லாம் தமிழ்க் கலைகளாம்
    புலி, வில், கயல் கொடி மூன்றினால்
    புது வானம் எங்கும் எழில் மேவிடும்
    அந்த வாழ்வுதான் எந்நாள் வரும்?
(இசையமுது, எந்த நாள்: 5-8)

(கயல் = மீன் , மேவிடும் = பொருந்திடும்)
என்று குறிப்பிடுகிறார்.

• இசைத்தமிழ்
இசையில் - தமிழ் இசையில் தமிழர்கள் எந்த வகையில்
ஈடுபாட்டுடனும், புலமையுடனும் இருந்திருக்கிறார்கள் என்பதையும்
பாரதிதாசன் விளக்கிக் கூறியுள்ளார்.
இயற்கையோடு இயைந்து வாழ்ந்த தமிழ்மக்கள், இயற்கையின்
பொருள்களிலிருந்து - அவற்றின் ஒலிகளிலிருந்து இசையை
அமைத்துக் கொண்டனர். குயிலின் குரல் இனிமையைக் கேட்டு
மகிழ்ந்ததைப் போல், தாம் கேட்டு இன்புற்ற பறவைகளின் இனிய
ஒலிகளிலிருந்தும், வண்டுகளின் ரீங்காரத்திலிருந்தும், மூங்கிலின்
ஒலியிலிருந்தும் பெற்ற இன்னிசையைத் தமிழ் இசையாக மாற்றிய
பெருமைக்கு உரியவர்கள் தமிழர்கள். எனவே தமிழருக்கே உரிய
தமிழ் இசை என்பது, இயற்கையிலிருந்து பிறந்தது என்கிறார் பாரதிதாசன்.


    பழந்தமிழ் மக்கள் அந்நாள்
    பறவைகள் விலங்கு வண்டு
    தழை மூங்கில் இசைத்ததைத் தாம்
    தழுவியே இசைத்த தாலே
    எழும் இசைத்தமிழே.
(அழகின் சிரிப்பு: 57)

இயற்கையிலிருந்து பெறப்பட்ட இந்தத் தமிழ் இசை, தனிச்சிறப்பு
வாய்ந்தது. இசையமுதில் தமிழன் வாழ்ந்த இன்ப வாழ்வின்
அடையாளம் இசைத்தமிழே என்கிறார். இதனைக்

    குறைவற்ற செல்வம், வாழ்வில் இன்பவாழ்வு
    கொண்ட தமிழனுள்ளம் கண்ட தமிழிசை
(இசையமுது. எந்த நாள்: 9-10)

என்று குறிப்பிடுகிறார். இசைத்தமிழ் தமிழர்களின் குறைவில்லாத
செல்வம்.; தமிழர்கள் நெஞ்சில் நிறைந்த செல்வம்.

1.2.3 தமிழரின் வீரம்
பண்டைத் தமிழர்கள் வீரத்தின் சிறப்பினைப் புறநானூறு போன்ற
பழைய இலக்கியங்கள் எடுத்துக் கூறுகின்றன. அந்த வீரப்
பாரம்பரியப் பெருமையைத் தமது தமிழ் உணர்வு வெளிப்படுமாறு
எடுத்துரைக்கிறார் பாரதிதாசன்.

    செந்தமிழர் இருக்கின்றார் சிங்கங்கள் போல்
    திறலழித்துவிட எவரும் பிறந்தாரில்லை.
(தமிழச்சியின் கத்தி, அத்தான் என்று எதிர் வந்தாள்:1-2)

தம் பழம் பெருமையைக் காப்பாற்ற வேண்டும் தமிழர்கள்.
தமிழர்களின் வீரம் சிங்கம் போல் ஆற்றல் வாய்ந்தது; அந்த
ஆற்றலை அழிப்பது எளிதல்ல என்று கூறுகிறார் பாரதிதாசன்.

• இமயத்தில் தமிழ்க் கொடி
பண்டைத் தமிழ் மன்னர் ஒருவர், வடநாடு சென்று போரிட்டு,
வெற்றி பெற்று, தன் வெற்றிக்கு அடையாளமாக இமயமலையின்
மேல், தன் நாட்டின் கொடியை ஏற்றி வைத்தார். இந்த வீர
வரலாற்று நிகழ்ச்சியை நினைவூட்டி “நாம் தமிழர்” என்று
சொல்வதில் எத்தகைய பெருமிதம் கொள்கிறார், பாரதிதாசன்!

    இமய வெற்பின் முடியிற் - கொடியை
    ஏறவைத்த நாங்கள் தமிழர் என்று சொல்வோம்.
(இரண்டாம் தொகுதி - 39. பகை நடுக்கம். வரிகள்: 2 - 4)

இவ்வாறு, தமிழர்களிடமுள்ள வீரத்தின் சிறப்பினைப் பல பாடல்கள்
மூலம் வெளிப்படுத்துகிறார் பாரதிதாசன்.

1.2.4 தமிழரின் கடமைகள்
தாய்மொழியாம் தமிழ் வளம் பெற்றால்தான், தமிழன் வளம்
பெறுவான். தமிழ் வாழ்ந்தால்தான் தமிழன் வாழ்வான் என்ற
நம்பிக்கை பாரதிதாசனுக்கு இருக்கிறது. எனவே, தமிழுயர்ந்தால்
தான் தமிழன் உயர்வான், தமிழ்ப் பகைவனும் தானே மறைவான்
என்று குறிப்பிடுகிறார். தமிழை வளப்படுத்த என்ன வழி? அது
எவ்வாறு வாழும்? தமிழ் எங்கும் நீக்கம் அற நிலைத்து நிற்க
வேண்டும்; அதற்கான பணிகளைச் செய்ய வேண்டும். கலைச்
செல்வங்கள் யாவும் தமிழாய் நிலைக்க வேண்டும் என்று
குறிப்பிடுகிறார் பாரதிதாசன். எனவே

    நன்று தமிழ் வளர்க ! தமிழ்
    நாட்டினில் எங்கணும் பல்குக ! பல்குக
    என்றும் தமிழ் வளர்க - கலை
    யாவும் தமிழ்மொழியால் விளைந்தோங்குக !
(முதல்தொகுதி - 21.
தமிழ் உணவு 8-வது பாடல், வரிகள் 3 - 6)

என்று வேண்டுகிறார் கவிஞர்.

• தமிழும் தமிழரும்
தமிழ் வாழ்ந்தால் தமிழர்கள் வாழ்வார்கள் என்று கருதிய
பாரதிதாசன், தமிழையும் தமிழரையும் பிரிக்க முடியாது என்று
உணர்ந்தார். எனவே,

    தமிழ்மொழி வாழ்க !
    தமிழர் வாழ்க !
(இளைஞர் இலக்கியம், வாழ்க வரிகள்: 1 - 2)

என வாழ்த்துகிறார். தான் பெற்ற தமிழ் உணர்வைத் தமிழர்கள்
எல்லாம் பெற்று, தாய் மொழியாம் தமிழைப் பேணிப் பாதுகாத்து
வளர்க்க வேண்டும் என்று விரும்பினார் பாரதிதாசன்.

1.2.5 தமிழர் ஒற்றுமை
தமிழ்வாழ, தமிழர் வாழ. தமிழர்களிடையே ஒற்றுமை மிக
அவசியம் என எண்ணினார் பாரதிதாசன். எனவே, தமிழர்களின்
ஒற்றுமையைப் பற்றிப் பல பாடல்கள் பாடினார்.
தமிழர்கள் தங்களுக்குள் வேற்றுமை பல கொண்டுள்ளனர்.
அவ்வேற்றுமையை ஒழிக்க வேண்டும். அதற்கு என்ன வழி?
தமிழால் - செந்தமிழால் ஒன்றுபட வேண்டும். தமிழ் - தமிழர்
என்ற உணர்வு ஏற்பட வேண்டும். இதனைச்,

    செந்தமிழ் ஒன்றே
    நல்லொற்றுமை சேர்க்கும் ; நன்னெறி சேர்க்கும்

என்று குறிப்பிடுகிறார். மேலும், தமிழர் ஒற்றுமையாய் வாழ்ந்தால்
என்ன நிகழும் என்பதையும் சுட்டுகிறார்.
தமிழுக்குப் பகையாக இருப்போர் எல்லாம், தமிழர்களிடையே
காணப்படுகின்ற ஒற்றுமையைப் பார்த்து ஓடி ஒளிந்து கொள்வார்கள்
என்று கூறுகிறார் பாரதிதாசன். ஒற்றுமையால் ஏற்படும் நன்மையைக்

    எங்கள் பகைவர் எங்கோ மறைந்தார்
    இங்குள்ள தமிழர்கள் ஒன்றாதல் கண்டே
(தேனருவி - செந்தமிழ்ச் செல்வம், வரிகள்: 4 - 5)

என்று குறிப்பிடுகிறார்.

• உடல் பல உயிர் ஒன்று
தமிழ் உணர்வால் ஒன்றுபட்ட தமிழர்கள், உடலளவில் பலராக
வாழ்ந்தாலும், உயிரளவில் ஒருவரே இதனை,

    வெள்ளம்போல் தமிழர் கூட்டம்
    வீரம்கொள் கூட்டம் அன்னார்
    உள்ளத்தால் ஒருவரே மற்று
    உடலினால் பலராய்க் காண்பார்.
(முதல்தொகுதி. எந்நாளோ? 5-வது
பாடல், வரிகள்: முதல் 4 வரிகள்)

என்ற பாடல் மூலம் வெளிப்படுத்துகிறார். இங்கு ‘வெள்ளம்போல்
தமிழர் கூட்டம்’ என்று ஓர் அருமையான உவமையைக்
கையாளுகிறார். வெள்ளம் ஒன்று திரளும். பிரிந்தாலும் மீண்டும்
கூடும். குறுக்கே பிளந்தாலும் ஒன்று சேரும். தமிழர்களின்
ஒற்றுமை அவ்வாறு தான் இருக்க வேண்டும். அப்பொழுதுதான்
தமிழர் ஒற்றுமை நிலைக்கும். தமிழும் தமிழரும் தரும் பெருமையும்
மேலும் மேலும் வளரும்; வாழும் என்று நம்பினார் பாரதிதாசன்.

Post Comment

What and where was the mythical kumari kandam and the origin of Tamil language

In my effort to impress upon my readers about the antiquity of the Vedas and the Vedic civilization I have been reading and researching about the same for quite sometimes. Reading an interesting book titled UNDERWORLD by Graham Hancock I came across the mythical land called Kumari Kandam . I will discuss about Graham Hancock's findings later but it will be a jump start to this article when one would relate Graham's Hancock's finding with that of Bal Gangadhar Tilak's book The ORION where he has postulated with enough evidences that there was an intelligent civilization in the post glacial period some 13000 years ago. We call such civilization, "antediluvian civilization".
This report was published in TIMES OF INDIA on 25 September 2009.
"  The study of prehistory of SUNDA LAND/LEMURIA/KUMARI KANDAMN is very important.  I insist that there was nothing known as ARYAN and DRAVIDIANS in the ancient India. They were just symbols of address for various type of people. ARYANS were NOT a race but a lingual fraternity who owed their ancestry to NAGAS of SUNDA LAND/ KUMARI KANDAM/  LEMURIA. To be very frank, if I can use the term  'Anglicised-'NRI' to describe the ARYANS of ancient India, as in the modern context , I won't be drastically wrong. They were 'SANSKRITISED NAGAS' who returned home after a long sojourn outside Indian sub-continent.  Same is true of Dravidians----they were 'Non -Sanskritised' people-----who did not speak Sanskrit.
As time passes many established logics get blown away---particularly about cosmic arena, sociology, geology and astronomy.  More recently, it has come to notice that Homo sapiens-----ancestors of present day man first appeared in the Middle East on the banks of River Jordon and NOT the Rift valley of Africa. It is from here the man went to SUNDA LAND or LIMURIA Islands or KANDAM. This land is the SUBMERGED PORTION of ocean between Peninsular coastline of India  and modern Indonesia. It is here man first tasted his social growth as a 'civilized man' when he established the AGRICULTURAL CIVILISATION which later spread to rest of the world.
This development further debunks ARYAN MIGRATION or ARYAN INVASION THEORY. The agricultural civilization in the coastal region of India or what some call SUNDA LAND/LIMURIA or KANDAM existed in the pre-ice age. This was a KNOWLEDGE RICH society of NAGAS----followers of Lord Shiva whose temples dot the Subcontinent from Afghanistan-Pakistan in the west and North to North east India in the East and Kerala-Karnataka in the South.
Around the end of last ice age, say some 11000- 8000 BC, the sea level began to rise with the melting of glaciers. By 8000 BC it had risen by 400 feet thus submerging bulk of SUNDA LAND. This forced the people from the region to move up north and west----along with their VEDIC KNOWLEDGE, which they had generated . When glaciers melted they also formed rivers-----There sprang up rivers  like SARASWATI and SINDHU------The migrants from the SUNDALAND settled along the banks of River SARASWATI--- for, the need of the water for their agricultural economies was essential------It led to setting up of RIVER CIVILISATIONS.   It was the SARASWATI River along which major settlements were established as evidenced by 75% of the settlements being unearthed along its recreated channel, today. It is called INDUS valley Civilization because two early excavations of MOHANJODARO and HARAPPA were found along River Indus and its tributary, River Sutlej. Incidentally, Sutlej and Yamuna were tributaries of  River saraswati. This river is worshipped as GODDESS of KNOWLEDGE in Hindu mythology. This is the reason because most of the ancient Indian Civilization----the resource of Knowledge---was spread along this river. The migrations of Naga people continued towards North and West----as far as Syria-Iraq---Turkey---Germany----Hungry---Uzbekistan--Kazakhstan---and many other countries in the Balkans."
The question that came into my mind is the word LEMURIA. Why is Lemuria so important when dealing with Kumari kandam? Wikipedia gives the definition or some idea about Lemuria. "Lemuria is the name of a hypothetical "lost land" variously located in the Indian  and  Pacific Oceans. The concept's 19th century origins lie in attempts to account for discontinuities in biogeography  however, the concept of Lemuria has been rendered obsolete by modern theories of plate tectonics.  Although sunken continents do exist — like Zealandia  in the Pacific and the Kerguelen Plateau in the Indian Ocean  Though Lemuria is no longer considered a valid scientific hypothesis, it has been adopted by writers involved in the occult  as well as some Tamil  writers of India.  Accounts of Lemuria differ, but all share a common belief that a continent  existed in ancient times and sank beneath the ocean as a result of a geological, often cataclysmic  change." So what is the relationship of Lemuria with that of Kumari kandam?  The continent of Lemuria is referred as "Kumari Kandam" in ancient Tamil literature. Tamil is one of the world's classical languages. Tamil has continuous historical records for more than 2000 years and Tamil language was recognized as a classical language in India (beside the other being Sanscrit). Tamil does not belong to the Indo-European language family.
In our India, we have a good bit of literature in the ancient Tamil texts of our lost continent by the name of "Kumari Kandam". It is not only mentioned as a first hand eyewitness support in the popular Tamil treatises, Silapathikaram and  Manimegalai  but it is also mentioned in good graphic detail in the other ancient Tamil texts namely : Tholkappiyam, Purananuru, Kalithokai, Kurunthokai, Kamba Ramayana, Iraiyanar Akapporul, and Thiruvachagam
These texts speak of a Pandya King Nilan Tharu Thiruvil Pandyan 2 who led his people north when the Kumari Kandamcontinent was submersed by the sea. These Tamil literatures speaks of three noble flourishing periods of Tamil culture. Each of these three phases of high Tamil culture is called Sangam age. The first Sangam age was entered around Then Madurai and the second Sangam age was in the capital city of Kapadapuram. It is only the third and final Sangam age was compiled at Madurai, the present day city in South Tamilnadu. The first two cities namely Then Madurai and Kapadapuram are described to have been in the land of Kumari Kandam south of the present land mass of South India. This information is well collaborated in the other literary references of the land like the Sinhala text – Mahavamsa, Ramayana, Mahabharatha Roman and Greek maps of – Ptolemy  Pliny  Periplus, and other geological proofs of   Al-Biruni observations.
The nature of these extensive literatures, both ancient and medieval, speaking of the lost continents of Kumari Kandamsubstantiated by  geographical, geological, and  oceanography proofs ,which strongly suggest that the south Indian Tamil legend of Kumari Kandam may be the real lost continent that the world has been talking about and looking for the past 1000's of years. "Even though modern scholars date this commentary to the eighth century CE, the tale refers to three Tamil academies which existed for almost ten thousand years," Veluppillai adds. 
It is believed by some Tamil scholars that the first academy existed at southern Maturai and was terminated by sea devouring the city. The Pandya king established a second academy at Kapadapuram. Again, the sea devoured the city. The Pandya king established the third academy in present Maturai (far away from sea coast). 
"What is available now as Cankam literature is mentioned as productions of the third academy," says Velupillai. 
"The sea devouring entire sea coast cities in the Indian Ocean area was something that many modern scholars dismissed as unrealistic. It now appears very probable that this tale about devouring of land by the sea, is not just a legend, as some modern scholars surmised," he says. 
"Tamils have by long historical tradition associated themselves with the sea. 'Cross the seas and make the fortunes' (Thirai Kadal Odiyum Thiraviam Thedu) is a motto of the ancient Tamils who were driven to make wealth through sea trade," says professor Sittampalam, Dean of the faculty of advanced studies, University of Jaffna. 
"International trade ports are mentioned in the Sangam Literature in Tamil, as well as in Greek and Roman literatures. The Chola Empire had the most powerful Navy during its time. Even as late as in the period of 10th - 15th Century Tamil language was the language of sea trade in the Indian Ocean," says professor Sittampalam. "Tamils engaged in sea trade spread to other countries, especially in Asia and took along their culture and language. For example, there was found a 2000-years-old pot in Egypt that has Tamil letters on it. The 14th Century inscription was found in Galle, Sri Lanka, has inscriptions is in three languages: Tamil, Chinese and Persian". 
The Cilappatikaram and the Manimekalai, the two earliest epics/narrative poems in Tamil, both refer to a vast landmass that was swallowed by a "cataclysmic landslip" or "on-rush of the sea." These landslips have submerged vast territory that was called Kumai Nadu or Kumari Kandam, known also as Lemuria to western scholars. 
"Even though there is some controversy on the exact date of these works, certain inferences can be made. Large scale destruction by kadatkol seems to have made deep impressions to the Tamil psyche," says to Dr. Velupillai. The Manimekalai refers in graphic terms to the sea devouring Poompukar or Kavirippoompaddinam, the Chola capital, port and emporium of foreign trade. The New Indian Express of December 2002 published an article that Poompukar site could be the cradle of world civilization, mentioning discovery of archaeological remains of a port city under the sea and hypotheses of well-known scholars. "Reading this with the background of the magnificent description of the prosperity of this cosmopolitan port-city, it is possible now to visualize that a huge tragedy of that magnitude could have taken place," says Dr. Velupillai. 
Tamil scholars note that there have been at least three major floods according to the references they find in Tamil literature and vast part of ancient literature was lost as a result of such events.
"Adiyarkkunallar, the medieval commentator to the Cilappatikaram, gives intriguing details about lands devoured by the sea. He mentions about Ezh Tenku nadu, Ezh Panai nadu, Ezh Kunakarai nadu, etc., listing seven such regions. As Ezh can mean 'seven', some later interpreters say that 49 regions (7 by 7) were devoured by the sea," says Veluppillai. Some Tamil historians argue that the political power of the Tamils diminished due to repeated re-locations and vast damage that was caused to the ancient Tamil homeland by the deluges.
"One can imagine the strength and magnitude of the Tidal wave required to devour a mountainous area that had existed in the ancient coastal belt of the Tamil world," says professor Shanmugathas. 
He also refers to records in Mahavansa, the Buddhist chronicle of Sri Lanka. References in Tamil records speak about devouring of landmass by the sea (kadatkol). "The earliest connected account about kadatkol occurs in the commentary on Iraiyanar akapporul," says Dr. A. Velupillai, department of religious studies, Arizona State University. 
Tamil poets were lamenting about "kadatkol" (devouring of the land by the sea) so often that scholars found it difficult to explain these references of devouring the land mass with towns and villages by the sea. According to the Kumari Kandam tradition, over a period of about just 11,000 years, the Pandyas, a historical dynasty of Tamil kings, formed three Tamil Sangams, in order to foster among their subjects the love of knowledge, literature and poetry. These Sangams were the fountain head of Tamil culture and their principal concern was the perfection of the Tamil language and literature. The first two Sangams were not located in what is now South India but in antediluvian Tamil land to the south which in ancient times bore the name of Kumari Kandam, literally the Land of the Virgin or Virgin Continent.

The first Sangam was head-quartered in a city named Then-madurai (Southern Madurai). It was patronised by a succession of eighty-nine kings and survived for an unbroken period of 4,400 years during which time it approved an immense collection of poems and literature. At the end of that golden age, the First Sangam was destroyed when a deluge arose and Then-madurai itself was swallowed by the sea along with large parts of the land area of Kumari Kandam.

However, the survivors, saving some of the books, were able to relocate further north. They established a Second Sangam in a city called Kavatapuram which lasted 3,700 years. The same fate befell this city as well, when it too was swallowed by the sea and lost forever all its works with the sole exception of the Tolkappiyam, a work on Tamil grammar. Following the inundation of Kavatapuram, the survivors once again relocated northward in a city identified with modern Madurai in Tamilnadu, then known as Vada-madurai (Northern Madurai). The Third Sangam lasted for a period of 1850 years and most scholars agree that that Sangam terminated around 350 AD.

Literary evidence of the lost continent of Kumari Kandam comes principally from the literature of the Third Tamil Sangam and the historical writings based on them. Many of them refer to the lost Tamil lands and to the deluges which ancient peoples believed had swallowed those lands. The Silappathikaram, a well known Tamil literary work, for instance mentions, " the river Prahuli and the mountain Kumari surroundered by many hills being submerged by the raging sea".
The following is based on an article on Sage Agathiyar –SAGE AGASTHYA – FOREMOST OF THE SIDDHAS by Dr. Mandayam Kumar of the Siddha Medical Research Institute, Bangalore:
"‘Agathiyar Muni is considered to be the embodiment of one of the nine celestial intellectuals who came to this earth for enlightening human beings.' Siddhars are those who have attained perfection in yogic practices to ultimately reach the stage of immortality. Through higher-level yogic practices they attain a state of ultra luminosity that results in invisibility; thus they remain impervious to ordinary vision.' Such siddhars work incessantly for the propagation of knowledge and the evolution of souls.'
Dr Mandayam Kumar says, it was possible to find out details about sage Agathiyar during the course of literary research on the Siddha medical sciences in a Tamil manuscript written on palm leaves about 3,000 years ago. The text is titled ‘Prapancha Kaandam' and runs into several volumes mentions the Dr.
It is attributed to Lord Muruga. It was narrated by sage Agathiyar while recorded by sage Pulasthiya. The original Tamil manuscript is in the care of Pandit S. Jayanari of Vellore says the Dr. The Dr provides information extracted from this work.  The Prapancha Kaandam commences with explanations about the origin of the earth and the entire solar system. The earth is believed to be a fragment of the sun blown into space as a big ball of fire billions of years ago. This big fire globe, after spinning round and round at a very high speed for innumerable length of time, began to cool on its surface.
During the course of its voyage from the sun through different gaseous spheres of highly energetic particles the earth being attracted and repelled by different planets of the solar system, acquired the energetic potencies of all the planets.
Later it gained a constant movement rotating on its own axis having its path around the sun. It is stated that the earth took its origin 200 billion years ago.'
The Dr states that the world was not habitable having only land and water for half this period of time.
‘Gradually vegetation began to appear as the earliest form of life on earth. Subsequently aquatic living creatures followed by insects, reptiles, birds and animals came upon; with the last being humans.  Each species had its own genetic origin and human beings are considered the sixth in the order of original creation. It is stated that planet earth is the only place for the survival and existence of life in the entire solar system. As life began to exist time began to be counted.
The entire period was divided into yugas. The present Kali Yuga is stated to have started from 3100 BC and may correspond to 14th March 3100 BC.'

The Dr. reveals for the first time the parental heritage of the sage.
Sage Agathiyar was said to have been born about 4573 years prior to the commencement of Kali Yuga at a place in Gujarat, in the early hours of Tuesday, 14th of February 7673 BC.  Belonging to the early Aryan race, his father Bhargava was well learned while his mother Indumathi was from Punjab. They were both devotees of the Pasupatha order of the sage Rishabha Muni. Agathiyar then had his early education in Gujarat. As his thirst for knowledge in particular on philosophy, yoga, medicine, and astronomy was immense he traveled all over Kashmir, Tibet, China, Nepal and Kailas in Manchuria. Mount Kailas was deemed to be in Manchuria those days.
He became a disciple of sage Nandi and Dhanvantri. He then traveled towards the south to Cambodia and Malaya. In Cambodia he established the very first of his many educational institutions for the propagation of philosophy and science.
After establishing a similar institution and hospital in Malaya he crossed the sea to the continent of Kumari Kandam. During Agathiyar's time Kumari Kandam occupied a vast area extending from the present day Sri Lanka to the Antarctic. This continent was ruled by Ravana, a great devotee of Lord Siva. King Ravana gave away a portion of his kingdom to Agathiyar to establish more institutions.  The foremost of these institutions in this region was known as Arunodaya Giri or Meozone. Here Agathiyar practiced yoga and taught it to his large following of disciples. He then went back north to Malayawhere he was betrothed to the king's daughter. He then ruled the kingdom of Vijayapuri.
He returned to Kumari Kandam where he met Lord Murugan in the form of sage Kandan or Supramaniar at Trikona Malai, present day Trincomali. At the hill station called Kadari Kama or Kadhirgama, Lord Murugan imparted spiritual knowledge to Agathiyar.  In his meditation he could see into the future; see impending calamities. As a result he moved to the North Pole considering it to be a save place. This period of his move to the Arctic was said to coincide with the end of the Dwapara Yuga placed at about 6580 BC.  Just as he had seen of an impending calamity and had decided to move north, a tremendous explosion in the planet Mars sents a piece of debris towards earth. This impact caused a great deluge on the earth. Significant portions of Kumari Kandam submerged into the Indian Ocean. Continental drift resulted in the present day arrangement of this region.
On returning to Mancuria after the great flood Kailas was no more but instead the Himalayan mountain range had emerged in North India. Amidst all this geographical changes says the Dr, sage Agathiyar went seeking for a place that would not be affected by future calamities. He located a mountain range in South India. This is the present day Courtalam. This spot is said to be the safest place and free from any future catastrophes. Here Agathiyar met Lord Siva and Uma in the form of Dhashina Murthi and Shenbaga Devi. This spot where the meeting took place between Dhashina Murthi, Shenbaga Devi, Lord Murugan and Agathiyar was Mahadeva Giri. This meeting also signified the commencement of Kali Yuga.
Other sages then stated coming to Mahadeva Giri.  Lord Dhashina Murthi revived the knowledge of the Vedas and instructed these sages to propagate this knowledge at the appropriate manner and time for the benefit of humanity. This imparting of this knowledge was said to have taken place on the 21st day of the Tamil month of Kartigai, during the eleventh year,  Eswara Samvatsara, of Kali Yuga. Agathiyar gave much importance to this day. All his dating was reckoned from this day.  The sages recorded their knowledge on palm leaves after extensive discussions held in Alagan Kulam and presented them to Dhashina Murthi for his perusal. This included the 64 kinds of learning, 18 Puranas, 96 Tatvas, and 48 branches of scientific knowledge. The entire literature in Tamil came to be called Sidha Veda. It was then translated into the four existing languages of that period vis Sanskrit, Greek, Hebrew and Chinese. Sage Agathiyar on the instruction of Lord Murugan originated the Tamil language.  Sage Bhogar from China, Thaeraiyar from Malaya, Yugimuni from Kerala, Pulipani from Kantha Malai, Pulathiyan and Kapiyan too served Agathiyar.  A conference of sidhas called Sidhar Sabai was held during the 53rd year, Sidharti Samvatsara, of Kali Yuga at Courtalam.
An institution known as Sidhar Gnana Koodam was inaugurated by Lord Murugan and was headed by Agathiyar. Pulathiyan and Kapiyan headed the literary section while Pulipani in research. Thaeraiyar who was into surgery headed a medical research centre established at Thorana Malai. Yugimuni who was into herbal medicines headed an Ayurvedic hospital at Paradesi Kundai. Sage Bhogar who was in charge of all scientific researches established an alchemy research centre at Thiruparankundram. Pambatti Sidhar was heading a team researching venom at Marudamalai.
After having established these institutions Agathiyar again started on an extensive mission of propagating the wealth of knowledge gained by these sidhars in Tibet, Manchuria, Egypt, Palestine, Rome, America, Africa, Malaya and Arab world. After satisfactorily completing their mission of propagating the said teachings the sages went into 'Samadhi' merging themselves into the cosmos. Kandan went into Samadhi in Thorana Malai, Bhogar in Palani, Thaeraiyar, Pulipanai and Yugimuni in Kantha Malai, and Agathiyar himself choosed to come back to Courtalam. He chosed a spot called Dhashina Meru in the Pothigai Hills. This spot is also the abode of Lord Siva as Dhashina Murthi."
The reason for this  article to be mentioned here is very simple. Here is a Siddha Purush ( An enlightened soul),who has brought about a pertinent reason for kumari kandam to vanish under the sea and gave a reason for such a calamity, for a landmass  as huge as kumari kandam to be devoured by the sea. This would  need a tremendous unnatural force and a massive rise in the sea level. The type and intensity of such a devastating force would be unfathomable to us today for we have not seen anything like this earlier and hopefully would not see in the future. Thinking about such a force, the television visuals of the tsunami that hit Japan on 31st march 2011 came flooding. has visuals of this tsunami and each one of them is nastier than the earlier. This force of nature was severe and it has brought about human suffering which is unimaginable. There were immeasurable  Loss of lives and property and the economy of the nation took a severe beating. So imagine what would have been the force of the destruction that obliterated Kumari kandam from the face of the earth?  If that be the case and there was a civilization living, when the great forces of nature culminated into an unprecedented devastation and the entire land, a big land something like a continent, went underwater, then we could expect to find some evidences of human settlement in the adjoining sea. National Institute of oceanography of India did research in this very direction and did find many evidences about the topography, as described in the Tamil sangams, and human settlements. I will come to the evidences and the nature of the research later in this article but now I must let my readers understand as to why and how Lemuria got into the Tamil literature.
The narratives about Lemuria found their way into colonial India about the time when folklore began to permeate historic knowledge as though they were fact. The writings of Wishar Cerve and the maps of Scott Elliot were brought into Tamil writings by K. Appadurai, in his book Kumari Kandam Allathu Kadal Konda Thennadu (Kumari Continent or the Submerged Southern Land, 1941). The term Lemuria found its way into certain Tamil textbooks and was given the Tamil name Kumari kandam, or continent of Kumari. Names from Tamil classics were given to the mountain ranges, rivers, places and areas. For example, the puranic geography of an axial mountain called Meru as the centre of Jambudvipa (Sanskrit) or Navalan Theevu (Tamil) was accepted, and, later on, these names were attributed to certain parts of Lemuria, giving it acceptability among Tamil readers. In the 1920s, with Tamil revivalism and the efforts to counter the "Aryan" and associated Sanskrit dominance, the concept of Lemuria was wedded to the notion of the lost land referred to in Tamil literature.
There are a few references in Tamil Sangam classics to a landmass that was swallowed up by the sea. Historians consider the first three centuries A.D. as the Sangam period. The reference to the tradition about three Tamil Sangams (assemblies or academies) is noted in Iraiyanar Kalviyalurai, attributed to Nakeerar. According to this commentary, the Pandya kings patronised Tamil poets in their capital, where the Sangam was located. According to tradition, the Mudal Sangam (first assembly), was located in Thenmadurai. When the sea swallowed Thenmadurai, the capital was shifted to Kapatapuram and the second or Idai Sangam was established. The Idai Sangam functioned until a deluge destroyed Kapatapuram. After the deluge, the Pandyas shifted their capital to the present-day Madurai where the last or Kadai Sangam was established.
Some of the important references from Tamil Sangam classics are as follows: 1) in Purananuru 9, verses 10-11 are interpreted as a reference to a Pandya king who ruled a part of the lost land where the river Pahruli flowed. 2) in Silapathigaram (Kadu Kaan Kaathai) (11:17-22) is a reference to a Pandya king who won over kingdoms in Imayam (the Himalayas) and Gangai (the Ganga) to compensate for his land lost to the deluge. Tamil scholars such as Devaneya Paavaanar consider the deluge under reference to be the one that destroyed Thenmadurai. 3) According to Adiyarku Nallar, poem 104:1-4 from Mullai Kalithogai indicates that the Pandya king resettled the survivors of the deluge in certain Chera and Chola territories. It is portrayed by certain Tamil writers that the series of deluges destroyed the Tamil civilisation and the survivors spread out and civilised other parts of the world.
The Tamil tradition about a lost land was committed to writing after the 10th century by commentators like Nakeerar in his commentary on Iraiyanar Akapporulurai. Nachinarkiniyar and Adiyarku Nallar followed him. Those who wrote the commentaries exaggerated the extent of land that was submerged by the deluges referred to in Silapathigaram and Kalithogai. According to the commentators, there were 49 countries ( nadu) in the lost land of Kumari and the distance between the river Kumari and the river Pahruli that flowed in the lost land was 700 katham, which according to one calculation is about 770 km.
The crucial question is whether the land referred to as Kumari was as large as a continent? The advocates of Kumari kandam interpreted the term nadu to mean country. In Tamil Nadu and Kerala many small towns and villages have in their names the term nadu, which basically referred to a settlement, as opposed to kadu, or forest. In the above Tamil references there is no mention of the term kandam, referring to land the size of a continent.
According to Pingala Nikandu, a lexicon of ancient words, k andam means country. In the words of the historian N. Subrahmanian (1996), "It is possible that a small area of land (to the extent of a present-day district) was lost by sea erosion and Pahruli and Kumari were parts of that territory and that the king shifted this capital to some other place. But in all probability that event occurred only in the 5th or 4th century B.C. Such erosions on a limited scale were not unknown to the southern and eastern seaboards of Tamil Nadu. If the fiction is removed from the fact, the entire romantic superstructure called the theory of the Kumari kandam will stand exposed, as non-history" ( The Tamils - Their History, Culture and Civilisation; pages 26, 27). If the oral traditions and the subsequent writings exaggerated the size of the submerged land called Kumari, what was the background to the lost land referred to in Sangam literature?
Geology emerged as a scientific discipline in the late 19th century when both scientific and popular imagination was dominated by Biblical accounts of creation and deluges. Dramatic geological events were attributed to catastrophes like earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. Eventually, the understanding of phenomena such as plate tectonics, continental drift and sea floor spreading dismissed the catastrophe theories. The speculation about land bridges and lost continents faded into obscurity elsewhere in the world but not quite so in Tamil Nadu.
Since the early part of the last century major strides have been made in the geological and geophysical understanding of the earth. For instance, in 1912 Alfred Wegener, a German meteorologist, explained the concept of continental drift; in 1924, the British geologist Arthur Holmes explained that the convection current in the mantle could cause continents to drift; in 1962, the American Geologist Harry Hess pointed out that continental drift could be explained by sea-floor spreading; in 1966, the concept of sea-floor spreading was established by independent oceanographic data involving microfossils, sediments of the sea floor, measure of heat flow from the earth's interior and palaeo-magnetic and seismic studies. Since the first oceanic sounding in 1840, the study of oceans, including their chemistry, biology, geology and physics, has advanced in the last century. Improved coring devices have enlarged our knowledge of the oceans, and deep ocean floors have been mapped by echo-soundings and ultra-sonic signals. In the 1940s, seismic methods were also used to study the ocean floor.
Evidence of former glaciations on a wide scale became overwhelmingly conclusive in the last century. During the past two million years, there have been five major glacial advances and five glacial retreats as the globe began to warm. The last of such periods is the present period known as Holocene. The last Ice Age caused the fragmented distribution of Homo sapiens, and the enormous environmental changes that took place with global warming had a profound influence on the prehistory of humankind.
Extensive studies were done to understand global warming during the interglacial periods; sediments were subjected to meticulous analyses to establish the age and palaeo-geographical conditions in many parts of the world. For instance, about 18,000 years ago, during the time of the last Ice Age, ice sheets in the poles spread much wider and the sea level was more than 100 meters lower than it is today, exposing a large area of land along the continental shelf. Then Siberia was connected to Alaska and along this land bridge, the peopling of the Americas and migration of animals happened over a long period. At this time, the landmass of present-day Papua New Guinea, Australia and Tasmania were joined together as were the British Isles with Europe. After the last Ice Age the level of the Indian Ocean, like the rest of the oceans, fell. Sri Lanka was connected to the Indian peninsula by a landmass, which now lies under the Gulf of Mannar. In the following 8,000 years, global warming continued and large masses of ice and glaciers melted, raising sea levels in stages and inundating low-lying lands. The portion of the continental shelf of the south Indian peninsula and the land that connected it to Sri Lanka also went under water as the sea level rose.
Records of sea-level fluctuations and related climatic changes are preserved in the layered sediments of the seabed. These can be studied through data such as faunal contents and nature of sediments. Rajiv Nigam and N.H. Hashimi of the National Institute of Oceanography (NIO), Goa, have done extensive work on sea-level rise by analysing sediments for microfossils such as pollen and foraminifera to determine palaeo-climate and by dating corals from the continental shelf in the west coast of peninsular India. The team studied marine sediments to generate proxy climate records through which changes in palaeo sea levels could be deciphered.
Nigam and P.J. Henriques, also of the NIO, have developed a regional model for palaeo depth determination on the basis of percentage of foraminifera in surface sediments of the Arabian Sea. The significant results of the study on palaeo sea levels are that the sea level was lower by 100 m about 14,500 years ago and by 60 m about 10,000 years ago and that during the last 10,000 years there had been three major episodes of sea-level fluctuation. These sea-level changes had affected human settlements and peopling of the coastal areas and had left their signatures on archaeological events.
Once the status of the periodic sea-level rise was established, it was easy to decipher the configuration of the coastline, giving allowance wherever applicable to tectonic activities and deposition of silt at the confluence of rivers. The Naval Hydrographic Office, Dehra Dun, has produced hydrographic charts (INT 717071-1986 to the scale 1:10,000,000 and INT 7007706-1973 of scale 1:3,500,000) pertaining to Cape Comorin-Gulf of Mannar, where it surveyed the depth of the sea floor with echo-sounders, which measure the sea floor contours with great accuracy.
It is possible to demarcate the land lost to the sea in the south of India from postglacial inundation maps that indicate the significant changes in the coastline. Inundation maps on the basis of bathymetric contours and the sea-level curve for the central west coast to work out the configuration of the coastline south of India since the last Ice Age. This study shows that about 14,500 years ago the sea level was lower by approximately 100 m than the present sea level. The land between the present coast and the bathymetric contour of 100 m roughly was the land that was exposed during that time.
In other words, hypothetically, if a 100 m column of sea water were to be removed, the land that went under water would be exposed. At that time the present Gulf of Mannar was a landmass of 36,000 sq. km connecting Sri Lanka with peninsular India and the coast was wider by about 80 km to the east, south and west of present-day Cape Comorin exposing a triangular mass of 6,500 sq. km adjoining the Cape. The coastline was 25-35 km wider than the present near Cuddalore and about 25 km wider near Colombo.
The increased rate of global warming between 12,000 and 10,000 years ago saw the sea level rise almost 50 m, inundating low-lying lands and covering a major part of the exposed continental shelf. About 10,000 years ago, the sea level was about 50 m lower than the present sea level. At that time, the land extended about 25 km south of the Cape and the coast was about 40 km broader than the present coastline along the east and the west, which exposed about 1,000 sq km of land near Cape Comorin. Rameswaram and Mannar were joined by land and the land that extended in the present-day Gulf of Mannar was a 2,500-sq km stretch marked by sedimentary formations and coral reefs.
planet rotation and especially the difference in rotation speed between poles and equator force earth mantel to strain and to break more easily where the strain is strongest, that is at the equator regions. These tectonic processes played important role in the disappearance of the ancient continent known as Lemuria to western scholars. Sri Lanka together with India, Indonesia and Malaysia were a part of this continent. Many islands in the Pacific and Indian oceans are remnants of this continent that in ancient time covered the whole area of today's ocean.  Storetvedt, who seems to reject the theory of continental drift and plate tectonics, says that descriptions of cataclysms in early literature when land suddenly went underwater are logical. But they should be proven to be scientific facts. This can be done with the help of sea-floor analysis that is possible to carry out.  Modern theories find supportive evidences both in ancient literature and language history.
What we know of the antiquity of Tamil civilization seems to be top of an iceberg. More exciting and interesting prehistory of Tamils may emerge from the jolt applied by the tsunami. Scientific details relating to these catastrophic events, particularly the correlation of the available socio-anthropological knowledge from the Tamil literature with geological research is yet to be found or ascertained. There is ample scope for Tamil scholars, socio-anthropologists and geologists to do further research on these topics.
  1. History of kumari kandam (Lemuria) theory.
    1860 Philip Lutley Sclater Puzzled by the presence of fossil lemurs in both Madagascar and India, but not in Africa nor the Middle East, Sclater proposed that Madagascar and India had once been part of a larger continent, which he named "Lemuria" for its lemurs.The acceptance of Darwinism led scientists to seek to trace the diffusion of species from their points of evolutionary origin
  2. Melchior Neumayr in his book Erdgeschichte in 1887. Many hypothetical submerged land bridges and continents were proposed during the 19th century, in order to account for the present distribution of species.
  3. Ernst Haeckel, a German Darwinian taxonomist, proposed Lemuria as an explanation for the absence of "missing link" fossil records. According to another source, Haeckel put forward this thesis prior to Sclater (but without using the name 'Lemuria'). Locating the origins of the human species on this lost continent, he claimed the fossil record could not be found because it had sunk beneath the sea.
  4. In 1999, drilling by the JOIDES Resolution research vessel in the Indian Ocean discovered evidence that a continent about a third of the size of Australia sank about 20 million years ago. Samples showed pollen and fragments of wood in a 90 million-year-old sediment. This might lead one to expect similarity of dinosaur fossil evidence and will help to understand the breakup of the Indian and Australian land masses.It does not support the concept of Lemuria as a land bridge for mammals.
  5. Madame Blavatsky's Lemuria,Lemuria entered the lexicon of the Occult through the works of Madame Blavatsky, who claimed in the 1880s to have been shown an ancient, pre-Atlantean Book of Dzyan by the Mahatmas. Within Blavatsky's complex cosmology, which includes seven "Root Races", Lemuria was occupied by the "Third Root Race", which was about seven foot tall, sexually hermaphroditic, egg-laying, mentally undeveloped and spiritually more pure than the following "Root Races". Before the coming of the Lemurians, the second "Root Race" is said to have dwelled in Hyperborea.After the subsequent creation of mammals, Mme. Blavatsky revealed to her readers, some Lemurians turned to bestiality. The gods, aghast at the behavior of these "mindless" men, sank Lemuria into the ocean and created a "Fourth Root Race"—endowed with intellect—on Atlantis.Lemuria and Mount Shasta
  6. In 1894, Frederick Spencer Oliver published A Dweller on Two Planets, which claimed that survivors from a sunken continent called Lemuria were living in or on Mount Shasta in northern California. The Lemurians lived in a complex of tunnels beneath the mountain and occasionally were seen walking the surface dressed in white robes.This belief has been repeated by such individuals as the cultist Guy Warren Ballard in the 1930s who formed the I AM Foundation. It is also repeated by followers of the Ascended Masters and the Great White Brotherhood. This list includes such organizations as Bridge to Freedom, The Summit Lighthouse, Church Universal and Triumphant, The Temple of The Presence, and The Hearts Center. According to L. Sprague de Camp, Mme. Blavatsky was influenced by other writers on the theme of Lost Continents, notably Ignatius L. Donnelly, a cult leader named Thomas Lake Harris and the French writer Louis Jacolliot.
  7. Dravidologist Devaneya Pavanar, who held that all languages on earth were merely corrupted Tamil dialects proposed Kumari Kandam is a sunken kingdom also known as Lemuria . According to these modernist interpretations of motifs in classical Tamil literature — the epics Cilappatikaram and Manimekalai that describe the submerged city of Puhar — the Dravidians originally came from land south of the present day coast of South India that became submerged by successive floods. There are various claims from Tamil authors that there was a large land mass connecting Australia and the present day Tamil Nadu coast.Adiyarkkunelar, described the distance between the Prahuli and Kumari rivers as 700 kavathams. This distance has been interpreted as about 7,000 modern miles (11,000 km).
Having said about the scope of the research  based on the ancient scripts and literature the question automatically comes as to what precisely the Tamil literature says about kumari  kandam.
Three literary sources are said to say something about the kumari kandam ,
Silapathikaram says,
kumarikOdum kodunkadal koLLa..." The mighty sea at the end of kumari(kanyakumari) submergedHere the author ilango adigal speaks about sea around kumari submerging the puhar(keveri pattinam) port.Silappadikaram'also describes Kadal Vadimpalampa Nindra Pandyan said to have thrown his spear towards the sea. The sea retaliated by swallowing a large area including Pahruli river and Panmalai Adukkam.

Manimekalai says,
Records the same incident of the puhar being engulfed by sea. Both silapathikaram and manimekalai both not being eyewitness accounts and known for gross exageration of facts clearly talk sea engulfing the city of puhar.

Sangam literary work, `Kalithogai' (Mullaikkali, verse number 4) calls it `Kadal vowal.' The poem says that when tidal waves swept away his land, the Pandya  monarch did not despair, but forged ahead into the territories of Cheras and Chozhas and brought the invaded country under his sway, thus making good the loss of territory due to the sea-swell.  This is somewhat reminiscent of the siddha purush sage Agathiyar which I have already mentioned earlier in this article.
Sri Lanka together with India, Indonesia and Malaysia were a part of this continent. Many islands in the Pacific and Indian oceans are remnants of this continent that in ancient time covered the whole area of today's ocean
The lost continent of Kumari Kandam
It turns out that everything does not actually come from India, it comes from Kumari Kandam. And by everything, I do mean everything.
"Homo Dravida" first evolved in Kumari Kandam; it is the cradle of civilization; the birthplace of all languages in general and of the Tamil language in particular. This is where the first and second great ages (Sangams?) of the Tamils happened, not in India, but in the true Dravidian homeland, further south.
R. Mathivanan, then Chief Editor of the Tamil Etymological Dictionary Project of the Government of Tamilnadu, in 1991 … [produced] the following timeline …:

ca. 200,000 to 50,000 BC: evolution of "the Tamilian or Homo Dravida",
ca. 200,000 to 100,000 BC: beginnings of the Tamil language
50,000 BC: Kumari Kandam civilisation
20,000 BC: A lost Tamil culture of the Easter Island which had an advanced civilisation
16,000 BC: Lemuria submerged
6087 BC: Second Tamil Sangam established by a Pandya king
3031 BC: A Chera prince in his wanderings in the Solomon Island saw wild sugarcane and started cultivation in Tamilnadu.
1780 BC: The Third Tamil Sangam established by a Pandya king
7th century BC: Tolkappiyam (the earliest extant Tamil grammar)… [Link]
The continent was destroyed by three large floods which wiped out most of the golden civilization with it:
It is believed by some Tamil scholars that the first academy existed at southern Maturai and was terminated by sea devouring the city. The Pandya king established a second academy at Kapadapuram. Again, the sea devoured the city. The Pandya king established the third academy in present Maturai (far away from sea coast).
The tsunami of December 26, 2004 vividly demonstrated the destructive force of tidal waves and what havoc the attendant deluges could cause. It was, however, not unknown to the ancient Tamils who occupied southern India from that time. Their traditions refer to extensive lands submerged in the remote past that had once existed in the Indian Ocean, south of Kanya Kumari or Cape Comorin. They had indeed a word for such happenings. They called it kadatkol - meaning the sea devouring the land.
The name of the lost lands is Kumari Kandam. At the time of those inundations, they were home to a high Tamil civilisation that hosted the First and Second Tamil Sangams or Acadamies of Advanced Learning. The Tamil language and literature as well as the philosophy and culture were cultivated and fostered through such Sangams. The works of these two Sangams were lost when the cities in which they were created were submerged by such inundations. Though the tradition of these Tamil Sangams and the deluges which destroyed them lived on, there was no historical evidence forthcoming to back them until very recently. There was an article in Godavaya, Sri Lanka 14 March 2009:
"Marine archaeologists have just discovered evidence of a large submerged landmass southeast of Sri Lanka. They believe it could be a legendary lost island closely linked to the culture and history of Sri Lankan people.
The discovery was made by a team of Dutch and Sri Lankan scientists based on satellite maps and underwater sample extractions from the deep sea. Preliminary data need to be verified by a deep sea submersible expedition during 2009 - 2010, according to a member of the research team who did not want to be identified.
The landmass is estimated to be between 450,000 and 475,000 square kilometres, which is about seven times the total land area of Sri Lanka.
This could well be the long lost island of Irisiyawa, which is euphemistically mentioned in our chronicles and hinted at in the writings of Greek historians, said Dr Godwin Samarawickrama, a maritime historian at the Indian Ocean Institute based in Melacca, Malaysia.
He added: The existence of such an island has been speculated and talked in hush-hush terms among divers and archaeologists for decades. This is the Indian Ocean`s own version of Atlantis!
Irisiyawa`s existence is first mentioned in the Sri Lankan chronicle of Culavamsa. Sinhalese Sandesa (message poem) writers in the 14th to 16th centuries often refer to the enormous psychological effect by sunken Irisiyawa on royal families, aristocracy and ordinary people. Some say the legacy of Irisiyawa has continued well into the twenty first century.

Other experts are more sceptical, and point out long-standing speculations about Kumari Kandam, a legendary sunken landmass said to have been located to the south of present-day Kanyakumari District at the southern tip of India. Some also call it Lemuria, a continent that existed in ancient times and sank beneath the ocean as a result of a geological, often cataclysmic, change. There is no scientific evidence to support these claims.
Sri Lanka must quickly assert its historical and territorial claims over the newly discovered sunken island, said Gajaba Vidyadheera, a senior lecturer in history at the University of Peradeniya. If not, other countries and cultures can stake their own claims, leading to disputes and even international litigation.
But the marine archaeology team who made the discovery advise caution. We need much more evidence before even considering any claims, and historical and cultural speculation could only muddy the deep waters, said a Dutch member of the team, none of who would make any statement on the record.

In recent years, much evidence has been found of maritime activity in and off the southern coast of Sri Lanka. In late 2008, an underwater search of the seas around Godavaya, Hambantota district, carried out by the Central Cultural Fund, revealed the wreck of a ship, possibly dating back to the 1st Century AD. If confirmed, this could be the oldest shipwreck in the Indian Ocean.
Sri Lanka with its 65,610 square kilometres is currently ranked at No 121 out of 231 countries and territories according to their land area. If the estimated landmass of submerged Irisiyawa is added, this would immediately boost Sri Lanka`s ranking to around 50, comparable to that of Thailand with 513,120 sq km.
The archipelago nation of Maldives, which lies to the southwest of Sri Lanka, has only 298 sq km and ranks No 201, the smallest country in Asia.
Atlantis is a legendary island mentioned by Greek philosopher Plato. While no hard evidence for its existence has yet been found, it has fascinated many historians, writers and explorers for centuries.
Recent genetic Studies have shown that there were no GENETIC DIFFERENCES between North and South Indians. Please refer to ----- "A prehistory of Indian Y chromosomes: Evaluating demic diffusion scenarios". Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences of United States of America ; 103(4) carried out on 26 Jan 2004.   . Genetically speaking, ANCIENT NORTH INDIANS (ANI) came to this land some 40,000 years from Middle East and ANCIENT SOUTH INDIANS (ASI) entered South India through Australia some 60,000 years back------What ever genetic differences existed between ANI and ASI that was some 40,000 years back is . Here is an extract from a study report on " ARYAN-DRAVID -DIVIDE" MYTH-Study:-

"----------.A study of 132 individuals, 560,000 single-nucleotide polymorphisms in 25 different Indian groups were analyzed, providing strong evidence in support of the notion that modern Indians are a hybrid population descending from two pre-historic, genetically divergent populations[citation needed], one of which, referred to as the 'Ancestral North Indians', 40,000 years ago and the other, called the 'Ancestral South Indians', 60,000 years ago. The intermingling of ANI's and ASI's happened in the same period as the ANI's first appeared, 40,000 years ago -------" .
When I went through this article I was so dumb struck? Here are all the evidences to show that the very basis of Human evolution, its physical, social, cultural on which the popular science rests and on the basis of which we learned about homo sapiens, is so wrong.
Here are more evidences of a mythical place, a place we may call anything, Lemuria? Or Kumari kandam ? or whatever. . It lies on southeast India's Coromandel coast facing the Bay of Bengal between modern Tamil Nadu and Sri Lanka. Its immediate offshore area has been the subject of marine archaeological investigations by India's National Institute of Oceanography since the 1980's -- and numerous non-controversial finds of man-made structures dated between the third century AD and the third century BC have been made in the "inter-tidal zone" close to shore at depths down to 6 feet (approximately 2 metres).
These finds of structures in shallow water (some so shallow that they are exposed at low tide) have been quite widely written-up in the archaeological literature. But for some reason other discoveries that the NIO has made in deeper water off Poompuhar have attracted no attention at all. Most notably these other discoveries include a second completely separate group of structures fully three miles from the Poompuhar shore in water that is more than 70 feet (23 metres) deep. The lack of interest is surprising because to anyone with even minimal knowledge of post-glacial sea-level rise their depth of submergence is - or should be - highly anomalous. Indeed according to Glenn Milne's sea-level data the land on which these structures were built last stood above water at the end of the Ice Age more than 11,000 years ago.
Graham Hancock in his book " UNDERWORLD" SAYS  "Is it a coincidence that there are ancient Tamil flood myths that speak of a great kingdom that once existed in this area called Kumari Kandam that was swallowed up by the sea? Amazingly the myths put a date of 11,600 years ago on these events -- the same timeframe given by Plato for the end of Atlantis in another ocean."
Like the cities in the Gulf of Cambay the underwater structures three miles offshore of Poompuhar were first identified by an instrument called sidescan sonar that profiles the seabed. One structure in particular was singled out for investigation and was explored by divers from India's National Institute of Oceanography in 1991 and 1993. Although they were not at that time aware of the implications of its depth of submergence -- i.e. that it is at least 11,500 years old -- the 1991 study confirms that it is man-made and describes it as:
a horse-shoe-shaped object, its height being one to two metres. A few stone blocks were found in the one-metre wide arm. The distance between the two arms in 20 metres. Whether the object is a shrine or some other man-made structure now at 23 metres [70 feet] depth remains to be examined in the next field season.
The 1993 study refines the measurements:
The structure of U-shape was located at a water depth of 23 metres which is about 5 kilometres off shore. The total peripheral length of the object is 85 metres while the distance between the two arms is 13 metres and the maximum height is 2 metres Divers observed growth of thick marine organism on the structure, but in some sections a few courses of masonry were noted
Graham Hancock took to the expedition himself along with the scientist of National Institute of oceanography. He remarks  "After 1993, no further marine archaeology was conducted along the Poompuhar coast until 2001 when I arranged with the NIO to dive on the U-shaped structure with funding from Channel 4 television in Britain and the Learning Channel in the US. Exclusive footage of the structure was filmed and is shown in episode 2 of the Underworld television series. Chapter 14 of the book is a report of our dives at Poompuhar, and what we found there.
Dr A.S. Gaur of the NIO told me on camera that it would have required "a very great technology" to build the U-shaped structure -- one far beyond the abilities of known cultures in India 11,500 years ago. For Dr Gaur this is a reason to doubt the accuracy of the sea-level-data which suggests that the structure was submerged so long ago. However the NIO have not yet been successful in recovering any datable materials or artefacts that could tell us its age more directly (for example by C-14 or TL tests).
My own expedition to Poompuhar with the NIO in 2001 was limited to diving on the U-shaped structure and one neighbouring structure. But what's really exciting is that more than 20 other large structures are known to be located in the same area down to depths of more than 100 feet. These have so far been identified only by sidescan sonar and never yet explored by divers. I've organised an expedition jointly with India's National Institute of Oceanography and John Blashford-Snell's Scientific Exploration Society in Britain to map and investigate these other structures in March/April 2002.
The Cambay and Poompuhar discoveries are both reported in depth for the first time in Underworld and set into the proper context of the flood myths and inundation history of the broader regions to which they belong.
If they are what they seem to be -- a caution I must repeat since so little research has actually been done by anyone -- then they signal an exciting new era in Indian archaeology in which the investigation of submerged ruins will play an increasingly important role. How do the Poompuhar finds compare with those in Cambay? Are they both parts of the same lost civilisation? Or do they perhaps represent two separate Ice Age cultures, one based in the north and the other in the south of the subcontinent?
Further exploration, involving divers, sonar scans and the recovery and analysis of artefacts will provide the answers.
And for reasons that I explain in Underworld, I think India's most ancient scriptures, the Vedas, also have a lot to tell us. There are tremendously good reasons to disbelieve the scholarly consensus (certainly the consensus amongst Western scholars) that the Vedas were composed as late as 1500 B.C. Parts of them probably do date from then; but some of the hymns could be much older than that -- carried down by oral traditions from much earlier times. I think it all goes back to the Ice Age." Therefore Bal Gangadhar Tilak was not wrong when he said that the Vedic civilization was the civilization of the last Ice Age and the last glacial and that this was the civilization which was the mother of all civilization that flourished in the world after 11000 years BC or 13000 Years from present.
Scientists have acknowledged that the language, the people, the culture and the literature are some of the oldest to be found on earth - anywhere. A Wikipedia snippet says:

"Tamil Nadu's history dates back to pre-historic times. Archaeological evidence points to this area being one of the longest continuous habitations in India. In Adichanallur, 24 km (15 mi) from Tirunelveli, archaeologists from the Archaeological Survey of India unearthed 169 clay urns containing human skulls, skeletons and bones, plus husks and grains of rice, charred rice and Neolithic Celts, giving evidence confirming them to be of the Neolithic period, 3800 years ago"
Scientists have actually uncovered a large amount of giant eggs and skeletons of Sauropods (huge Reptilian Dinosaurs) in the area. I mention this because some of the sangam (the oldest Tamil literature, most of which is lost) mentions Reptilian-like beings living alongside humans. Ancient Tamil literature may also be among the earliest to mention flying chariots, a concept later discovered in other cultures and religious texts:
There are also references to the rivers Pahruli and Kumari, that are said to have flowed in a now-submerged land. The Silappadhikaram, a 5th century epic, stating that the "cruel sea" took the Pandiya land that lay between the rivers Pahruli and the many-mountained banks of the Kumari, to replace which the Pandiyan king conquered lands belonging to the Chola and Chera kings (Maturaikkandam, verses 17-22).
Adiyarkkunallar, a 12th century commentator on the epic, explains this reference by saying that there was once a land to the south of the present-day Kanyakumari , which stretched from the Pahruli river in the north to the Kumari river in the south. This land was divided into 49 territories, which he names as 7 coconut territories (elutenga natu), 7 Madurai territories (elumaturai natu), 7 old sandy territories (elumunpalai natu), 7 new sandy territories (elupinpalai natu), 7 mountain territories (elukunra natu), 7 eastern coastal territories (elukunakarai natu) and 7 dwarf-palm territories (elukurumpanai natu). All these lands, he says, together with the many-mountained land that began with KumariKollam, with forests and habitations, were submerged by the sea. Two of these territories were supposedly parts of present-day Kollam and Kanyakumari districts.
BBC reports the following further evidence which suggests volcanic eruptions may have some effect to this said land. Scientists have discovered the remains of a "lost continent" beneath the waves of the Indian Ocean. Drilling by the Joides Resolution research vessel, which traverses the seas extracting samples from beneath the sea floor, suggests that the continent, about a third the size of present day Australia, sank from sight only 20 million years ago. A recovered sample of the ‘lost continent'. It lies beneath the southern Indian Ocean. Called the Kerguelen Plateau, it is one of the most remote places on Earth. The Joides Resolution, the world's largest research vessel, bored a series of holes through the undersea plateau, which is about two kilometers below the ocean surface. Spores and pollen It brought to the surface many types of rocks associated with explosive volcanism, as well as sedimentary rocks similar to those found in India and Australia. Sending the drill bit down to the sea floor. "We found abundant evidence that much of the Kerguelen Plateau formed above sea level," said Dr Mike Coffin of the University of Texas."Wood fragments, a seed, spores and pollen recovered in 90 million year-old sediment from the central Kerguelen Plateau indicates that it was above sea level."Scientists believe that it rose out of the ocean about 110 million years ago, following a series of huge volcanic eruptions. Small dinosaurs 50 million years ago, it may have been covered in lush ferns, moist with tropical humidity. The ‘core store' on the Joides Resolution Small dinosaurs would have hidden in the undergrowth stalking their prey.20 million years ago, it started to sink beneath the waves of what is now the Indian Ocean. Scientists hope that studying the region will help them understand the break-up of Australia, India and Antarctica.
In conclusion I would like my readers to read an article which was published in THE HINDU NEWSPAPER.
THE HINDU DATED 11.02.2011
THANJAVUR: Scientific citations found in Tamil literature can be used as geological time scale to measure the geographical events of the earth over the past 40,000 years said S.Ramasamy, Vice-Chancellor, Gandhigram Rural Institute — Deemed University, Dindigul, here on Thursday. Inaugurating a seminar on disaster management citations in Tamil Literature organised by the Department of Industries and Earth Sciences at Tamil University here, Dr.Ramasamy said that scholars speak volumes about the poetic aspects of Tamil Literature but fail to note the scientific citations in them. When they are identified, studied and understood, the citations indicate various geological events and topography of the earth. Satellite pictures of earth and computer simulation corroborate the scientific citations found in Tamil Literature, Dr.Ramasamy said.
He cited examples from Silappathikaram, Thiruvilaiyadalpuranam, and Kamba Ramayanam to drive home his point . In Silappathikaram, Kavunthiyadigal says that Madurai is earthquake prone. Satellite pictures also reveal that Madurai, Kambam, Theni, Kottayam are earthquake prone. Kamba Ramayanam reveals that Lord Rama took the sea route that is safe and where "sea current due to waves is less" to reach Sri Lanka. Lord Rama visits Vedaranyam and Manalmelkudi but does not cross the sea there, as the sea is rough and the wind currents are strong. Finally he crosses the sea at Rameswaram , where the sea is calm. There are also references to marine transgressions, tsunami, tectonic movement of earth plate, sea level change, and earth movement in the Tamil literary works.
A joint research by Geologists, Tamil Scholars, Epigraphists, Ocean Study experts can throw light on "Kumari Kandam", Dr.Ramasamy said, and released a CD of papers to be presented in the seminar. M.Rajendran, Vice-Chancellor of Tamil University, released the compendium of papers to be presented in

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