Bahan Mudah Lulus Untuk UPSR

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UPSR தமிழ் மொழி


சங்ககால வரலாறும் தமிழ் பிராமிக் கல்வெட்டுகளும்

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Wishes Of Appriciation

Mr Veeramuthu Sinnathamby
Bachelor Of Education (USM)
Master Of Education (USM)
16th Of August 2002 - 16th Of March 2011
Transferred To SJK(T) Mahatma Ghandi Kalasalai. Sungai Siput.
There is a word that headmasters should hold in their minds and repeat like a mantra: vision. My head master is a person of vision. The first day he steps in the school around August 2002, he developed a new vision which he promised to himself must be achieved upon his next posting.
My headmaster is the key to the success of my school in recent years, and professional recognition would do much to raise the standard in my school.

No enterprise can succeed without leadership, and research has shown time and time again that it is vital in education. My headmaster inspires and motivates staff and pupils while keeping a firm eye on the school's ultimate goal: raising standards. School inspectors (Nazir Sekolah) have found a strong link between failing schools and weak leadership.

My school headmaster has set an example to the school. Above all, he is able to focus strongly on what matters most: on standards of teaching and learning. Ten years ago it would have been unusual for this school head to spend time watching staff work, but inspections and appraisals have changed that. Now my school’s classroom door is never really closed. Ten years ago there were no high achievers in public examination (UPSR) but since his arrival in 2002, there was gradual increase in quality and quantity attain in UPSR exam. Since than, State and federal recognize the achievement of this school. Besides academic excellence, he also has created a new standard for Co-Curricular activities. The school has become feeder for district level badminton and athletics championship.

But my headmaster is not just leading - he is also inspiring. He is the kind of person who believes in fashionable word such as: empowerment. My headmaster always makes my school’s staff feel that they can have ideas of their own and that if they take calculated risks they will receive support.
There are times he has to make hard decisions. While the teachers will mutter in the staff room about one of their number who is lazy and incompetent, my headmaster will always find some good solution to overcome this sort of problems which in a way never hurt one’s feeling.

My headmasters thought will always fly by in a whirl of new initiatives. While these initiatives took time to be implemented, a few improvements may yet be visible. This is the time my headmaster keeps faith, and constantly tells the rest of the school: "It will work. Give it time." He is a very strong head, not to say a foolish one, who never had doubts. But the key to success is never to show them.

My headmaster performs a delicate balancing act at all times between the demands of staff, pupils, parents and education departments. The demands of his spouse and children’s will generally take fifth and sixth place in his attentions. So, we the staff of this school will always miss him. We hope his transfer to his home town will do wonders for his family life and will bring a good bright future for the new school. Wish all the best Sir. We really learn and enjoy your tenure at the school.
Thank You.

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